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属天的奥秘 第3100节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3100

3100. The man marveling at her, withheld himself. That this signifies a state of perception as to those things, is evident from the signification of "marveling," and of "withholding himself" (when he saw that those things which he spoke in his heart had come to pass), as being somewhat of acknowledgment, and at the same time of waiting to see whether it was not so; for he marveled because he acknowledged that it had so come to pass, and he withheld himself because he waited to see whether it was not so; this is the state of perception which is signified.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3100

3100. 'The man, wondering at her, remained silent' means a state of perception regarding those things. This is clear from the meaning of 'wondering but remaining silent' - when he saw that the things he had spoken in his heart were actually taking place - as a state of acknowledgement, yet at the same time of waiting to see whether it really was so. He 'wondered' because he acknowledged that things were happening as he had prayed, but he 'remained silent' because he was waiting to see whether it was in fact so. This is the state of perception that is meant.

Latin(1748-1756) 3100

3100. `Vir obstupescens illi continens se': quod significet statum perceptionis quoad illa, constat a significatione `obstupescere et se continere,' quando vidit quod illa quae locutus {1}est corde suo, evenirent, quod sit agnitionis et simul exspectationis annon ita; `obstupescebat' enim quia agnovit quod ita fieret, et `se continebat' quia exspectabat annon ita [esset;] ille status perceptionis est qui significatur. @1 in$

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