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属天的奥秘 第3101节


3101、“要晓得耶和华使他的道路通达没有”表示关于神性真理(的调查),即它是哪一种,或它的确切性质。这从“道路”的含义清楚可知,“道路”是指真理(参看627, 2333节)。“耶和华道路通达没有”这句话表示那真理是不是神性,这等于问它是不是来自耶和华,也就是来自神性;因而准确地说,问它是哪种真理,因为从属世人中被召唤出来进入理性人的真理不全都被接受,只有那些与理性人中的良善一致,并以这种方式被播种和植入,从而与这良善行如一体的真理才被接受。而其余的,即便在被提升之前看似真理,仍不被接受,因为它们不被承认。良善承认自己的真理,真理承认自己的良善。从接下来的内容也清楚可知,这是一个对真理是哪一种的承认,从而这真理被接受,或说主准确认识真理是哪一种,从而接受它。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3101

3101. To know whether Jehovah had prospered his way or not. That this signifies inquiry concerning Divine truth, what it was, is evident from the signification of a "way," as being truth (see n. 627, 2333); whether it was Divine is signified by its being said "whether Jehovah had prospered it," which is the same as inquiring whether it was from Jehovah, or from the Divine, and thus what truth it was; for truths which are called forth from the natural man into the rational are not all received; but only those which agree with the good there, and thus by insemination and insertion act as one with it; the rest, although they had appeared as truths before they were elevated, still are not received, because they are not acknowledged. It is good that acknowledges its own truth, and it is truth that acknowledges its own good. That the truth was acknowledged for what it was, and that thus it was received, is also clear from what now follows.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3101

3101. 'So as to know whether Jehovah had prospered his way or not' means regarding Divine Truth, as to what sort it was. This is clear from the meaning of 'way' as truth, dealt with in 627, 2333. The Divine nature of that truth is meant by the words 'whether Jehovah had prospered' which amounts to the same as, whether it was from Jehovah, that is, from the Divine. Accordingly what sort of truth is meant, for the truths that are summoned from the natural man into the rational man are not all received, only those that accord with the good there, and on being sown and implanted in this way act as one with that good. The rest, even though they may have appeared as truths prior to being raised up, are nevertheless not received because they are not acknowledged. Good is that which acknowledges its own truth, and truth that which acknowledges its own good. That it was an acknowledgement of what sort of truth it was, and that thus this truth was received, is also evident from what follows next.

Latin(1748-1756) 3101

3101. `Ad sciendum, an prosperavisset Jehovah viam suam, vel non': quod significet de Divino Vero quodnam, constat a significatione `viae' quod sit verum, de qua n. 627, 2333; quod Divinum, significatur per id quod dicatur, `an prosperavisset Jehovah,' quod idem est, num ex Jehovah seu ex Divino; ita quodnam verum, nam vera quae e naturali homine evocantur in rationalem, non omnia recipiuntur, solummodo illa quae cum bono ibi concordant, ac sic per inseminationem et insertionem unum cum eo agunt; reliqua, tametsi ut vera apparuerint antequam elevata sunt, usque non recipiantur, quia non agnoscuntur; bonum est quod agnoscit suum verum, et verum est quod agnoscit suum bonum: quod agnitum quodnam verum ac sic receptum, patet quoque ab illis quae nunc sequuntur.

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