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属天的奥秘 第311节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]311. The otherworld condition of those who died in the Flood is such that they can never live in the world of spirits or coexist with other spirits. They live in a hell separated from other spirits' hells and seemingly placed at the foot of a certain mountain, which appears to be a barrier formed out of their dreadful fantasies and self-deceptions. These dreams and notions of theirs are of a kind that puts other spirits in such a stupor that they cannot tell whether they are alive or dead, since it robs them of all their ability to discern what is true and leaves them without perception.
The people who died in the Flood had held fast to the same delusions when they were alive, and they were destined in the next life to be incapable of ever living among other spirits without bringing a sort of death to them. In consequence, all people of this type became extinct, and the Lord in his divine mercy created new states for the people coming after the Flood.

Potts(1905-1910) 311

311. In the other life, the state of those who perished by the flood is such that they cannot be in the world of spirits, or with other spirits, but are in a hell separated from the hells of others, and as it were under a certain mountain. This appears as an intervening mountain in consequence of their direful phantasies and persuasions. Their phantasies and persuasions are such as to produce so profound a stupor in other spirits that they do not know whether they are alive or dead, for they deprive them of all understanding of truth, so that they perceive nothing. Such also was their persuasive power during their abode in the world; and because it was foreseen that in the other life they would be incapable of associating with other spirits without inducing on them a kind of death, they all became extinct, and the Lord of His Divine mercy induced other states on those who lived after the flood.

Elliott(1983-1999) 311

311. In the next life, the state of those who perished in the Flood is such that they cannot possibly be left alone in the world of spirits, or among other spirits, but are kept in a hell separate from the hells of other spirits, which is situated so to speak below a kind of mountain. This mountain which is seen and acts as a barrier is the product of their dreadful delusions and persuasions. Their delusions and their persuasions are such as so to be wilder other spirits that those spirits do not know whether they are alive or dead. For those who perished in the Flood so deprive these other spirits of all understanding of truth that the latter perceive nothing at all. Such power of persuasion had existed even during their lifetime with those who perished in the Flood. And because in the next life, they would continue to be such that they could not possibly exist with other spirits without bringing a death-like condition upon them, they were all wiped out; and the Lord in His Divine mercy introduced people after the Flood into different states.

Latin(1748-1756) 311

311. Status eorum qui perierunt diluvio, in altera vita talis est ut nusquam esse possint in mundo spirituum, aut cum aliis spiritibus sed in inferno separato ab infernis aliorum, et quidem quasi sub monte quodam; apparet sicut mons intermedius ex diris eorum phantasiis et persuasionibus; phantasiae eorum et persuasiones tale sunt ut aliis spiritibus tantum stuporem inducant ut non sciant num vivant aut num mortui sint; nam auferunt iis omnem intellectum veri, ut nihil percipiant: in tali persuasione etiam fuerunt cum vixerunt; et quia tales futuri in altera vita ut nusquam cum spiritibus aliis esse potuissent quin iis mortis speciem inducerent, omnes exstincti sunt ac Dominus postdiluvianis, a Divina Ipsius misericordia, alios status induxit.

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