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属天的奥秘 第3172节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3172

3172. And he said, Send me away unto my lord. That this signifies the affection of conjunction, is evident from the general sense which results from the internal sense of the words; for his desiring to be sent to his lord was of affection, in order that the affection of truth, which is "Rebekah," might be conjoined; for the betrothal, that is the initiation, was already accomplished; the affection of conjunction being that which is here signified.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3172

3172. 'And he said, Send me to my master' means the affection desiring the joining together. This is clear from the general sense which results from the internal sense of these words, for the servant's wish to be sent back to his master was the expression of an affection - the affection which desired that the affection for truth, which is 'Rebekah', should be joined [to the rational] now that the betrothal, that is, the introduction was already completed. The affection desiring the joining together is what is meant here.

Latin(1748-1756) 3172

3172. `Et dixit, {1}Mitte me domino meo': quod significet affectionem conjunctionis, constat {2}a communi sensu qui resultat a sensu interno verborum; quod enim vellet ut mitteret se `domino suo,' erat affectionis ut affectio veri quae est `Rebecca,' conjungeretur, {3}nam desponsatio, hoc est, initiatio jamdum peracta est, affectio conjunctionis est quae hic significatur. @1 Heb.=mittite$ @2 ab illo$ @3 desponsatio enim$

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