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属天的奥秘 第3174节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3174

3174. Her brother and her mother said. That this signifies a doubting of the natural man, appears from the signification of "brother," as being good in the natural man (see n. 3160); and from the signification of "mother," as being the truth there (see n. 3167); consequently "brother" and "mother" signify the natural man, for this is constituted of good and truth; that there is doubt is manifest, namely, whether the damsel should remain some days, or should go at once with the man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3174

3174. 'Her brother said, and her mother' means doubt on the part of the natural man. This is clear from the meaning of 'a brother' as the good within the natural man, dealt with in 3160, and from the meaning of 'a mother' as the truth there, dealt with in 3167. Consequently 'brother' and 'mother' mean the natural man since this is composed of good and truth. The fact that doubt is meant is self-evident, that is to say, doubt whether the girl would stay a few days longer or whether she would go with the man there and then.

Latin(1748-1756) 3174

3174. `Dixit frater ejus et mater ejus': quod significet dubitationem naturalis hominis, constat ex significatione `fratris' quod sit bonum in naturali homine, de qua n. 3160; et ex significatione `matris' quod sit verum ibi, de qua n. 3167; proinde `frater et mater' significant naturalem hominem, nam is ex bono et vero constituitur; quod sit dubitatio, {1}patet, scilicet num puella aliquot dies adhuc mansura, vel tunc cum viro itura. @1 at end of $

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