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属天的奥秘 第3211节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3211

3211. And he took Rebekah, and she was to him for a woman, and he loved her. That this signifies the conjunction, namely, of good and truth, is evident without explication. The reason it is said that Rebekah was to him "for a woman," and not for a wife, is that between rational good and the truth called forth from the natural and made Divine, it is not marriage that takes place, but a covenant resembling a marriage covenant. The Divine marriage itself which is in the Lord is the union of the Divine Essence with the Human Essence, and of the Human Essence with the Divine Essence (see n. 2803). This is the reason why Rebekah is called "woman," not wife.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3211

3211. 'And he took Rebekah, and she became his wife, and he loved her' means the joining together, that is to say, of good and truth. This becomes clear without explanation. The reason why it is said, that Rebekah became his wife (mulier), not his wife (uxor), is that no marriage existed between rational Good on one side and Truth summoned from the natural and made Divine on the other, only a covenant similar to the marriage covenant. The Divine Marriage itself within the Lord consists in the union of the Divine Essence with the Human Essence, and of the Human Essence with the Divine Essence, see 2803. This is the reason why Rebekah is called a wife (mulier) and not a wife (uxor).

Latin(1748-1756) 3211

3211. `Et accepit Rebeccam, et erat ei in mulierem, et amavit illam': quod significet conjunctionem, nempe boni et veri, constare potest absque explicatione: quod dicatur quod Rebecca `ei fuerit in mulierem,' non in uxorem, causa est quia inter Bonum rationale, et Verum e naturali evocatum et Divinum factum, non {1}sit conjugium, sed foedus instar foederis conjugialis; ipsum Conjugium Divinum quod in Domino, est unio Divinae Essentiae cum Humana, et Humanae cum Divina, videatur n. 2803; haec est causa quod Rebecca dicatur mulier, non uxor. @1 fuerit A, fit T$

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