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属天的奥秘 第3308节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3308

3308. The boys grew up. That this signifies the first state, namely, of the conjunction of good and truth, is evident from the signification of "growing up," when predicated of good and truth in respect to origin and progress, as being the first state of the latter, namely, of progress, concerning which hereafter; and from the signification of the "boys," as being good and truth; for good is represented by the "boy Esau," and truth by the "boy Jacob," as before shown. The case with good and truth is the same as with offspring, in that they are conceived, are in the womb, are born, grow up, and also advance in age even to the last. That they are conceived, are in the womb, and are born, pertains to the state of origin; but that they grow up, and advance in age even to the last, pertains to the state of progress. The state of progress advances in succession from the birth, and is a state of the conjunction of good and truth. The first of this state is that which is here signified by "growing up." This state commences immediately after birth, and is continued even to the last of life; and with those who are in good, after the life of the body to eternity. The angels are thus being continually perfected.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3308

3308. 'The boys grew up' means the initial state, that is to say, of the joining together of good and truth. This is clear from the meaning of growing up' when it has reference to the birth and development of good and truth, as the initial state of such development, dealt with in what follows; and from the meaning of 'the boys' as good and truth, for good is represented by the boy Esau, and truth by the boy Jacob, as shown above. Good and truth are like offspring, in that they are conceived, lie in the womb, are born, grow up, and also advance in years until they reach their final years. Their conception, lying in the womb, and being born belong to the state of birth, whereas their growing up and advancing in years until they reach their final years belong to the state of development. The state of development follows actual birth and is a state when good and truth are joined together. The initial phase of this state is what is meant here by 'growing up'. This state begins immediately after actual birth and continues through to the end of life; and with those in whom good is present it continues for ever following the life of the body. Angels go on being perfected constantly in this manner.

Latin(1748-1756) 3308

3308. `Adoleverunt pueri:' quod significet statum primum, nempe conjunctionis boni et veri, constat ex significatione `adolescere,' cum praedicatur de bono et vero quoad ortum et {1}progressum, quod sit hujus, nempe progressus, status primus, de quo sequitur; et (c)a significatione `puerorum' quod sit bonum et verum, bonum enim repraesentatur per puerum Esavum, et verum per puerum Jacobum, ut supra ostensum: cum bono et vero se habet sicut cum prole, quod concipiantur, quod sint in utero, quod nascantur, quod adolescant, tum quod crescant aetate usque ad ultimam {2}; quod concipiantur, sint in utero et nascantur, pertinet ad statum ortus; quod autem adolescant, crescant aetate usque ad ultimam, pertinet ad statum {3}progressus; {4}status progressus succedit a nativitate, et est status conjunctionis boni et veri; primum hujus status est, quod significatur hic per `adolescere'; hic status incipit ilico post nativitatem, et continuatur usque ad ultimum vitae, et apud illos qui in bono sunt, post vitam corporis in aeternum; angeli ita continue perficiuntur. @1 progressionem$ @2 ip 3298$ @3 progressionis$ @4 status progressionis succedunt ordine a nativitate et sunt status conjunctionis boni et veri, quorum status primus est qui$

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