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属天的奥秘 第3307节


3307、创世记25:27, 28.男孩们渐渐长大,以扫是一个懂得打猎的人,是个田野的男人;雅各是个完人,住在帐棚里。以撒因在他口中的野味爱以扫;利百加却爱雅各。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3307

3307. Verses 27, 28. And the boys grew up: and Esau was a man skillful in hunting, a man of the field; and Jacob was a perfect* man, dwelling in tents. And Isaac loved Esau, because his hunting was in his mouth; and Rebekah loved Jacob. "And the boys grew up," signifies the first state; "and Esau was a man skillful in hunting," signifies the good of life from truths sensuous and of memory-knowledge; "a man of the field," signifies the good of life from doctrinal things; "and Jacob was a perfect man," signifies truth; "dwelling in tents," signifies the derivative worship; "and Isaac loved Esau, because his hunting was in his mouth," signifies that the Divine good of the Lord's Divine rational loved the good of truth; "and Rebekah loved Jacob," signifies that the Divine truth of the Divine rational loved the doctrine of truth. * "Perfect" is here used in the sense of "whole," "entire." The Latin is integer, and the Hebrew is tam, the same words that occur in the passage, "Mark the perfect man" (Ps. 37:37).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3307

3307. Verses 27, 28 And the boys grew up, and Esau was a man skilled in hunting, a man of the field; and Jacob was a blameless man, dwelling in tents. And Isaac loved Esau because of the venisona in his mouth; and Rebekah loved Jacob.

'The boys grew up' means the initial state. 'And Esau was a man skilled in hunting' means the good of life that has its origin in sensory truths and factual truths. 'A man of the field' means the good of life that has its origin in matters of doctrine. 'And Jacob was a blameless man' means truth. 'Dwelling in tents' means worship arising out of this. 'And Isaac loved Esau because of the venison in his mouth' means that the Divine Good of the Lord's Divine Rational loved the good of truth. 'And Rebekah loved Jacob' means that the Divine Truth of the Divine Rational loved the doctrine of truth.


a or hunting

Latin(1748-1756) 3307

3307. Vers. 27, 28. Et adoleverunt pueri, et fuit Esau vir sciens venationis, vir agri; et Jacob vir integer, habitans tentoria. Et amabat Jishak Esavum, quia venatio in ore ejus; et Rebecca amans Jacobum. `Adoleverunt pueri' significat statum primum: `et fuit Esau vir sciens venationis' significat bonum vitae ex veris sensualibus et scientificis: `vir agri' significat bonum vitae ex doctrinalibus: `et Jacob vir integer' significat verum: `habitans tentoria' significat cultum inde: `et amabat Jishak Esavum, quia venatio in ore ejus' significat quod Divinum Bonum Divini Rationalis Domini amaret bonum veri: `et Rebecca amans Jacobum' significat quod Divinum Verum Divini Rationalis amaret doctrinam veri.

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