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属天的奥秘 第3330节


3330、“把长子的名分卖给了雅各”表示在此期间,优先权被让与雅各所代表的真理的教义,或说良善把优先权让给真理的教义。这从“长子的名分”的含义清楚可知,“长子的名分”是指优先权(参看3325)。在此期间,优先权被让出去了,这一事实从前面的阐述和说明(3324, 3325节)清楚看出来。一开始,真理之所以在属灵人里面掌权,主要是因为在他的初始状态下,属于爱自己和爱世界的快乐是存在的。他以为这些快乐就是附着于他的真理,并在很大程度上构成他对真理的情感的良善。事实上,那时他认为真理能帮助他获得重要地位或物质利益,或世上的名声,甚至来世的功德。所有这些可能性都激发了他对真理的情感,还点燃它。然而,它们都不是良善,而是邪恶。尽管如此,主仍允许这些东西在初期影响他,或激动他;否则,他就无法重生。聪明和智慧的到来是需要时间的;在此期间,他通过这些真理被引入良善,也就是被引入仁爱。一旦他拥有仁爱,就会第一次感知到什么是良善,并出于良善行事,同时出于这良善对真理作出判断、得出结论。凡与这良善不一致的东西,他都称之为虚假,并弃绝。他以这种方式向真理掌权,或说掌控真理,就像主人掌控他的仆人一样。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3330

3330. And he sold his birthright unto Jacob. That this signifies that in the meantime priority was granted, namely, to the doctrine of truth which is "Jacob," is evident from the signification of "birthright," as being priority (see n. 3325); and that this was granted in the meantime, is manifest from what was said and shown above (n. 3324, 3325). That in the spiritual man in the beginning truth has the dominion, is chiefly because in his first state there are delights of the love of self and of the world which he believes to be good, and which apply themselves to his truths, and for the most part produce the affection of truth in him; for he then thinks that truths may be serviceable to him either for honor, or for gain, or for reputation in the world, or even for merit in the other life. All these things excite this affection of truth in him, and also enkindle it; and yet they are not good, but evil. Nevertheless the Lord permits that such things should influence him in that first time, because otherwise he could not be regenerated. Intelligence and wisdom come in time; in the meanwhile through these truths the man is introduced into good, that is, into charity; and when he is in this, then for the first time he perceives what is good, and acts from good, and then judges and draws conclusions from this good concerning truths; and those which do not accord with this good he calls false, and rejects. Thus he rules over truths as a master over his servants.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3330

3330. 'And he sold his birthright to Jacob' means that in the meantime priority was conceded - to the doctrine of truth represented by Jacob. This is clear from the meaning of 'the birthright' as that which has priority of place, dealt with above in 3325, which in the meantime was conceded, as is evident from what has been stated and shown above in 3324, 3325. The chief reason why with the spiritual man truth has dominion first is that in his initial state delights that belong to self-love and love of the world are present. These he believes to be the goods which attach themselves to his truths and constitute the greater part of the affection for truth with him. Indeed at this time he supposes that truths are able to assist him in the acquisition of important positions, or of material gain, or of reputation in the world, or also of merit in the next life. All these arouse that affection for truth with him and also set it ablaze. These are not however good but bad.

[2] Nevertheless the Lord does allow such things in that initial period to carry him along because he could not otherwise be regenerated. The arrival at intelligence and wisdom takes time In the meantime he is led on by means of those truths to good, that is, to charity. And once he has charity he perceives for the first time what good is and acts from good, and at the same time good is the source of his decisions and conclusions concerning truths. And things that do not accord with that good he calls falsities and rejects. In this way he has dominion over truths like a master over his servants

Latin(1748-1756) 3330

3330. `Et vendidit primogenituram suam Jacobo': quod significet quod prioritas interea concessa, nempe doctrinae veri quae est `Jacobus,' constat a significatione `primogeniturae' quod sit prioritas, de qua supra n. 3325, quae quod interea concessa sit, patet ab illis quae supra n. 3324, 3325 dicta et ostensa sunt. Quod apud spiritualem hominem principio dominetur verum, est principaliter causa quia in primo ejus statu sunt jucunda amoris sui et mundi, quae credit bona quae se applicant veris ejus, et faciunt quoad plurimam partem affectionem veri apud eum; cogitat enim tunc quod vera illi inservire possunt vel ad honores, vel ad lucrum, vel ad famam in mundo, vel quoque ad meritum in altera vita; haec omnia excitant affectionem illam veri apud eam, et quoque accendunt, quae tamen sunt non bona sed mala; [2] at usque permittit Dominus ut talia primo illo tempore ferant illum, quia alioquin {1}non regenerari poterit; intelligentia et sapientia venit tempore; interea per illa introducitur in bonum, hoc est, in charitatem, in qua cum est, tunc primum percipit quid bonum, et ex bono agit, et tunc de veris judicat et concludit ex illo bono, et quae non cum illo bono concordant, vocat falsa et rejicit; dominans ita super vera, ut herus super suos famulos. @1 regenerari non potest$

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