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属天的奥秘 第3358节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3358

3358. In verses 1 to 6 are described the appearances of truth of a higher degree which are in the internal sense of the Word, in which appearances are the angels, and in which there is Divine truth and good. And that Divine good and truth cannot be comprehended, thus cannot be received, unless they are in appearances (verses 7-13).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3358

3358. The appearances of truth belonging to a higher degree, which occur in the internal sense of the Word, which are known to the angels, and which hold Divine Truth and Good within them, are dealt with in verses 1-6; and the consideration that Divine Good and Truth are incomprehensible and so cannot be received except within appearances, in verses 7-13.

Latin(1748-1756) 3358

3358. Agitur de veri apparentiis superioris gradus, quae in Verbi sensu interno sunt, in quibus sunt angeli, et quibus inest Divinum Verum et Bonum, vers. 1-6: et quod Divinum Bonum et Verum non comprehendi possint, ita nec recipi, nisi sint in apparentiis, vers. 7-13.

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