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属天的奥秘 第3360节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3360

3360. Afterwards, appearances of truth are described of a still lower degree, which are of the literal sense of the Word, in which appearances those men may be who are of the external church (verses 18-25); and that through these there may still be conjunction with the Lord (verses 26-33).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3360

3360. Dealt with after that are the appearances of truth belonging to a still lower degree, which constitute the literal sense of the Word and which those who are members of the external Church are able to know, in verses 18-25; and by means of these appearances those members are nevertheless joined to the Lord, in verses 26-33.

Latin(1748-1756) 3360

3360. Postea de veri apparentiis adhuc inferioris gradus, quae sunt sensus litteralis Verbi, in quibus possint esse homines qui ab Ecclesia externa, vers. 18-25: et per illas usque esse conjunctio cum Domino, vers. 26-33.

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