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属天的奥秘 第3362节


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Potts(1905-1910) 3362

3362. THE INTERNAL SENSE. In the twenty-first chapter Abimelech was treated of, in that he made a covenant with Abraham, and that then Abraham reproved him concerning a well of waters which his servants had seized. In the present chapter a nearly similar occurrence is repeated between Abimelech and Isaac, resembling it also in this respect, that just as Abraham had said that his wife was his sister, so also said Isaac; from which it is evident that some Divine arcanum therein is the reason why these things occurred a second time, and were again related; and also that on both occasions mention is made of wells, concerning which it would little concern us to know, unless something Divine were concealed therein. But the internal sense teaches what is therein, and that the subject is the conjunction through truths of the Lord with those who are in His kingdom in the heavens and on earth; with the angels through appearances of truth of a higher degree; and with men through appearances of truth of a lower degree; consequently through the Word, in the internal and external senses of which are contained these appearances. For truths Divine themselves are such that they can never be comprehended by any angel, still less by any man, because they surpass every faculty of their understanding. Yet in order that there may be conjunction of the Lord with them, truths Divine flow in with them in appearances; and when truths Divine are with them in such appearances, they can be both received and acknowledged. This is effected by adaptation to the comprehension of each person; and therefore appearances, that is, truths angelic and human, are of three degrees. These are the Divine arcana contained in the internal sense of that which was related in a former chapter concerning the doings of Abimelech and Abraham; and in this chapter concerning those of Abimelech and Isaac.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3362


Included in Chapter 21 is the description of a time when Abimelech made a covenant with Abraham, and when Abraham reproached him about a well of water that his servants had seized. Here a very similar description occurs again, involving Abimelech and Isaac, similar also in that, as Abraham had done, so also did Isaac call his wife his sister. From these considerations it is evident that the reason why similar events occurred again and are told again - with the mention of wells in both incidents - involves a Divine arcanum within it. Except for that which is Divine being concealed within them, there would be no value in knowing anything about those events. The internal sense however teaches what is concealed there and the fact that the subject is the Lord when joined to those who are in His Kingdom in heaven and on earth by means of truths - to angels by means of the appearances of truth belonging to a higher degree, and to men by the appearances of truth belonging to a lower degree, consequently by means of the Word where, in the internal sense and in the external sense, those appearances exist.

[2] For Divine truths are such that they cannot possibly be grasped by any angel, still less by any man. They go far beyond the whole range of their understanding. Yet so that the Lord may be joined to angels and men Divine truths flow in, with both angels and men, within appearances; and when those appearances have Divine truths within them, then these Divine truths can be received and acknowledged. And this is done in such a way as is adequate for everyone to grasp them. Appearances therefore, that is, angelic and human truths, exist in three degrees. These are the Divine arcana that are contained in the internal sense within the deeds done and told involving Abimelech and Abraham in Chapter 21, and these involving Abimelech and Isaac in this.

Latin(1748-1756) 3362


Actum est in capite xxi de Abimelecho quod pepigerit foedus cum Abrahamo, et quod tunc Abraham redarguerit illum de puteo aquarum quem eripuerant servi illius; hic paene simile recurrit ter Abimelechum et Jishakum, etiam in eo quod sicut Abraham dixerat uxorem suam esse sororem, ita quoque Jishakus; ex quibus patet quod Divinum arcanum inibi sit cur iterum evenerunt, (c)et iterum relata sunt, et quoque quod memoretur utrobivis de puteis; de quibus aliquid scire, nisi Divinum inibi reconditum sit, non tanti foret; sensus autem internus docet quid inibi est, et quod agatur de conjunctione Domini cum illis qui in regno Ipsius in caelis et in terris per vera, et quidem per (t)veri apparentias superioris gradus cum angelis, et per (t)veri apparentias inferioris gradus cum hominibus, consequenter per Verbum in cujus sensu interno et externo sunt illae: ipsa enim Vera Divina sunt talia ut nusquam ab aliquo angelo, 2 minus ab aliquo homine, capi possint; excedunt omnem facultatem intellectus eorum; ut usque conjunctio sit Domini cum illis, influunt Vera Divina apud illos in apparentiis, in quibus cum illa sunt, et recipi possunt et agnosci; hoc fit adaequate ad cujusvis captum; quare apparentiae, hoc est, vera angelica et humana, triplicis gradus sunt: haec arcana Divina sunt quae in illis de Abimelecho et Abrahamo, et in his de Abimelecho et Jishako actis et relatis, in sensu interno continentur.

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