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属天的奥秘 第3391节


3391、“非利士人的王亚比米勒从窗户往外观看”表示关注蕴含在(宗教)知识或认知里面的理性概念或事物的信之教义。这从“亚比米勒”的代表,以及“非利士人的王”和“窗户”的含义清楚可知:“亚比米勒”是指关注理性概念或事物的信之教义(2504, 2509, 2510, 2533节);“非利士人的王”是指教义事物(3365节);“窗户”是指心智的理解力部分(655, 658节),因而是指内在视觉,因为这内在视觉在前面由“窗户”来表示。因此,“从窗户往外观看”是指感知通过内在视觉所看到的事物。一般来说,这些事物是属于外在人的(宗教)知识或认知;而理性概念或事物,或也可说,真理的表象,也就是属灵真理(3368节),不是(宗教)知识或认知,而是存在于这知识或认知里面,因为它们属于理性人,因而属于内在人;正是内在人关注外在人的事物,因而关注蕴含在(宗教)知识或认知里面的真理。由于(宗教)知识或认知属于属世人,所以它们是接受理性概念或事物的器皿。事实上,神性真理流入心智的理性部分,并经由这理性部分流入属世部分,在属世部分呈现为映在一面镜子中的许多物体所产生的一个形像(参看3368节)。
这论及教会末日的邪恶和虚假。“爬进房屋”表示摧毁意愿的良善,“房屋”表示意愿的良善(参看710, 2233, 2234节);“由窗户进去”表示摧毁属于理解力的真理和真理的知识或认知。西番雅书:
这论及通过“亚述”所表示的推理而对信之真理的摧毁(119, 1186节);“有声音在窗户内歌唱”表示真理的荒凉,因而理解真理的能力的荒凉,或说表示对真理的离弃,这毁坏了理解真理的能力。
“以不公义盖房屋,以不公平造楼房”表示出于非良善和真理构建一个宗教体系,“公义和公平”是指良善和真理(参看2235节);“为自己开辟窗户,镶上香柏木,漆上朱红色”表示歪曲直觉和属灵的真理。耶路撒冷圣殿的窗户只代表构成智力上、因而属灵的概念的事物。以西结书(40:16, 22, 25, 33, 36;41:16, 26)所提到的新圣殿的窗户具有同样的含义,因为谁都能看出,该先知书所描述的新圣殿、新耶路撒冷和新地只表示主的国度;因此,所提到的关于它们的细节是指诸如属于主国度的那类事物。

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Potts(1905-1910) 3391

3391. And Abimelech king of the Philistines looked out through a window, and saw. That this signifies the doctrine of faith looking to rational things in knowledges, is evident from the representation of Abimelech, as being the doctrine of faith that looks to rational things (n. 2504, 2509, 2510, 2533); from the signification of "king of the Philistines" as being doctrinal things (n. 3365); and from the signification of a window," as being the intellectual faculty (n. 655, 658), consequently the internal sight, for this was formerly signified by "windows." Thus to "look out through a window" is to perceive those things which appear by means of the internal sight, which in general are knowledges such as are of the external man. Rational things, or what is the same, appearances of truth, that is, truths spiritual, are not knowledges, but are in knowledges, for they belong to the rational, thus to the internal man, and it is the internal man which looks to the things of the external man, thus to truths in knowledges. For as knowledges are of the natural man, they are vessels that receive rational things (that truths Divine flow into the rational, and through this into the natural, and in this latter are exhibited as an image of many things in a mirror, may be seen above, n. 3368). [2] That "windows" signify the things of the internal sight-that is, of the understanding-which in one word are called intellectual things, is evident from those passages of the Word which were adduced in n. 655; and further from the following. In Joel:

They shall run to and fro in the city, they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up into the houses, they shall enter in by the windows as a thief (Joel 2:9);

speaking of the evils and falsities of the last days of the church; "climbing up into the houses" denotes destroying the goods of the will (that "house" denotes the goods of the will may be seen above, n. 710, 2233, 2334); and "entering in by the windows" denotes destroying truths and their knowledges which are of the understanding. In Zephaniah:

Jehovah will stretch out His hands upon the north, and destroy Asshur; herds shall lie down in the midst of her; every wild animal of his kind; both the pelican and the osprey, shall pass the night in the pomegranates thereof; a voice shall sing in the windows, drought shall be upon the threshold, because he hath laid bare the cedar (Zeph. 2:13-14);

where the destruction of the truths of faith by reasonings, which are "Asshur," is treated of (n. 119, 1186); that a "voice shall sing in the windows" signifies the desolation of truth, thus of the intellectual faculty as to truth. [3] In the book of Judges:

Through the window she looked forth, and the mother of Sisera cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? (Judg. 5:28);

this is the prophecy of Deborah and Barak concerning the resuscitation of a spiritual church; "looking forth through a window" denotes through the reasonings of those who deny truths and thus destroy what is of the church; for such reasonings are intellectual things in the opposite sense. In Jeremiah:

Woe unto him that buildeth his house without righteousness, and his chambers without judgment; that saith, I will build me a roomy house and spacious chambers; and cutteth him out windows; and it is ceiled with cedar, and painted with vermilion (Jer. 22:13-14);

"building a house without righteousness, and chambers without judgment" denotes building up a religious system from what is not good and not true (that "righteousness and judgment" are good and truth may be seen above, n. 2235); "cutting him out windows and ceiling with cedar, and painting with vermilion," denotes falsifying intellectual and spiritual truths. The windows of the temple at Jerusalem represented nothing but that which belongs to intellectual and thus to spiritual things. The like is signified by the windows of the new temple described in Ezekiel (40:16, 22, 25, 33, 36; 41:16, 26); for anyone can see that in this Prophet the new temple, the new Jerusalem, and the new earth, are nothing else than the Lord's kingdom; thus that the things mentioned in regard to them are such as belong to His kingdom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3391

3391. 'That Abimelech the king of the Philistines looked through a window and saw' means the doctrine of faith which has regard to rational concepts held within cognitions. This is clear from the representation of 'Abimelech' as the doctrine of faith which has regard to rational concepts, dealt with in 2504, 2509, 2510, 2533; from the meaning of 'the king of the Philistines' as matters of doctrine, dealt with in 3365; and from the meaning of 'a window' as the understanding part of the mind, dealt with in 655, 658, and therefore internal sight, for this in former times was meant by 'windows'. Thus 'looking through a window' is perceiving things that are seen through internal sight. In general those things are cognitions which belong to the external man; but rational concepts - or what amounts to the same, appearances of truth, which are spiritual truths, 3368 - are not cognitions but are held within cognitions since they belong to the rational man, and so to the internal man. And it is characteristic of the internal man to regard the things belonging to the external man, and so to regard the truths held within cognitions. Since cognitions belong to the natural man they are consequently the recipient vessels for rational concepts. For Divine truths flow into the rational part of the mind and by way of the rational into the natural, where they present themselves like an image produced by many objects reflected in a mirror, see 3368.

[2] That 'windows' means the things that constitute internal sight, that is, the understanding, which are referred to by the single term 'intellectual concepts' is clear from the places in the Word introduced in 655, as well as from the following: In Joel,

They will run about the city, they will run on the wall, they will climb into the houses, they will go in through the windows like a thief. Joel 2:9.

This refers to the evils and falsities present in the final days of the Church. 'Climbing into the houses' stands for destroying goods which belong to the will - 'houses' being goods that belong to the will, see 710, 2233, 2234; and 'going in through the windows' for destroying truths and cognitions of those which belong to the understanding. In Zephaniah,

Jehovah will stretch out His hand over the north and will destroy Asshur. Herds will lie down in the midst of her, every wild beast of that nation. The spoonbill also and the duck will lodge in its pomegranates.a A voice will sing in the window, dryness will be on the threshold, for the cedar has been laid bare. Zeph 2:13, 14.

This refers to the destruction of the truths of faith by means of reasonings, meant by Asshur, 119, 1186. 'A voice will sing in the window' stands for the desolation of truth, and so of the ability to understand what is true.

[3] In the Book of Judges,

She looked through the window, and the mother of Sisera exclaimed through the lattices, Why is his chariot so long in coming? Judg 5:28.

These words come in the prophecy of Deborah and Barak and have to do with the resurgence of the spiritual Church. 'Looking through the window' stands for the reasonings of those who deny truths and in so doing destroy things that belong to the Church; for such reasonings are intellectual concepts in the contrary sense. In Jeremiah,

Woe to him who builds his house without righteousness, and his upper rooms without judgement, who says, I will build myself a wide house and spacious upper rooms, and he cuts out windows for himself, panelling it with cedar, and paints it with vermilion. Jer 22:13, 14.

'Building a house without righteousness, and upper rooms without judgement' stands for building a religion out of what is not good and not truth - 'righteousness and judgement' meaning good and truth, see 2235. 'Cutting out windows for oneself, panelling it with cedar, and painting it with vermilion' stands for falsifying truths, intellectual and spiritual. The windows of the Temple in Jerusalem represented nothing else than such things as constitute intellectual and thus spiritual concepts. The windows of the new temple that are mentioned in Ezekiel 40:16, 22, 25, 33, 36; 41:16, 26, have a similar meaning, for anyone may see that the new temple, the new Jerusalem, and the new earth described in that prophet mean nothing else than the Lord's kingdom, and that accordingly the details mentioned concerning them are the kind of things that belong to that kingdom.


aThe original Hebrew word is thought to describe capitals shaped like pomegranates.

Latin(1748-1756) 3391

3391. `Et prospexit Abimelech rex Philistaeorum trans fenestram, et vidit': quod significet doctrinam fidei spectantem rationalia in cognitionibus, constat ex repraesentatione `Abimelechi' quod sit doctrina fidei spectans rationalia, de qua n. 2504, 2509, 2510, 2533; et a significatione `regis Philistaeorum' quod sint doctrinalia, de qua n. 3365; et a significatione `fenestrae' quod sit intellectuale, de qua n. 655, 658, proinde visus internus, nam hic olim significatus est per `fenestras'; ita `prospicere trans fenestram' est percipere illa quae per visum internum apparent; haec in genere sunt cognitiones quae sunt externi hominis; rationalia, seu quod idem, apparentiae veri, hoc est, vera spiritualia {1}, non sunt cognitiones sed in cognitionibus, sunt enim rationalis, ita interni hominis, ac internus homo est qui spectat illa quae sunt externi, ita vera in cognitionibus; nam cognitiones quia sunt naturalis hominis, sunt vasa recipientia rationalium; quod vera Divina influant in rationale, et per hoc in naturale, et in hoc sistantur sicut multorum imago in speculo, videatur n. 3368. [2] Quod `fenestrae' sint illa quae sunt visus interni, hoc est, intellectus, quae una voce intellectualia vocantur, constat ab illis locis Verbi quae n. 655 allata sunt, et adhuc ab his; apud Joelem, In urbe discurrent, in muro current, in domos ascendent, per fenestras ingredientur sicut fur, ii 9;

ibi de malis et falsis ultimorum dierum Ecclesiae; `in domos ascendere' pro destruere bona quae sunt voluntatis; quod `domus' sint bona quae voluntatis, videatur n. 710, 2233, 2234; et `ingredi per fenestras' pro destruere vera ac eorum cognitiones quae sunt intellectus: apud Zephaniam, Extendet Jehovah manum Suam super septentrionem, et perdet Asshurem, cubabunt in medio ejus catervae, omnis fera ejus gentis, etiam platea et anataria in malogranatis ejus pernoctabunt, vox cantabit in fenestra, siccitas in limine, quia cedrum denudavit, ii 14;

ubi de destructione veritatum fidei per ratiocinationes, quae sunt Asshur, n. 119, 1186; `vox cantabit in fenestra' pro desolatione veri, {3}ita facultatis intellectualis quoad verum: [3] in Libro Judicium, Per fenestram prospexit, et exclamavit mater Siserae per cancellos, Quare tardat currus ejus venire? v 28;

propheticum Deborae et Baraki de Ecclesiae spiritualis resuscitatione; `per fenestram prospicere' pro per ratiocinia {4}illorum qui vera negant, et sic illa quae Ecclesiae sunt, destruunt, illa enim sunt intellectualia in opposito sensu: apud Jeremiam, Vae aedificanti domum suam sine justitia, et hyperoa sua sine judicio, qui dicit, Aedificabo mihi domum mensurarum, et hyperoa spatiosa, et exscindit sibi fenestras, et tabulata cedro, et pingit minio, xxii 13, 14;

`aedificare domum sine justitia et hyperoa sine judicio' pro condere religiosum ex non bono et non vero; quod `justitia et judicium' sit bonum et verum, videatur n. 2235; `exscindere sibi fenestras et tabulata cedro et pingere minio' pro vera intellectualia et spiritualia falsificare. Fenestrae {5}Templi Hierosolymitani nec aliud repraesentarunt quam {6}illa quae intellectualium sunt, ita quae spiritualium; similiter ac significant fenestrae novi templi, de quibus apud Ezechiel xl 16, 22, 25, 33, 36; xli 16, 26; nam quod novum templum, nova Hierosolyma, et {7}nova terra, apud Prophetam illum, non aliud sint quam regnum Domini, quisque videre potest, {8}ita quod illa quae memorantur de illis, sint talia quae sunt regni. @1 i n. 3368$ @2 i a Domino$ @3 seu$ @4 haec enim sunt intellectualia in opposito sensu, ita illorum qui vera negant, et sic illa quae Ecclesiae sunt destruunt:$ @5 i quae fuerunt$ @6 intellectualia$ @7 A has terra sancta, I Nova Terra. Ezekiel has no mention of a new earth, but see Ezek. xlv 1-8 for `holy land.'$ @8 ita illa quae memorantur de novo templo sunt talia quae sunt Regi illius.$

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