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属天的奥秘 第3558节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3558

3558. And Isaac said unto Jacob. That this signifies perception concerning this natural, is evident from the signification of "saying," as being to perceive, concerning which above; and from the representation of Jacob as being the natural as to truth, here only the natural, because he also represented apparently, or in an external form simulated, Esau; thus also the natural as to good, which is Esau, and likewise his hunting, which is the truth that is of that good (n. 3501). The reason why "he said" is so often repeated, is also because what is new thus begins, or a new perception (n. 2061, 2238, 2260).

Elliott(1983-1999) 3558

3558. 'Isaac said to Jacob' means perception concerning this natural. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' as perceiving, dealt with already, and from the representation of 'Jacob' as the truth of the natural, though at this point simply the natural. He represents simply the natural because he also apparently represented what Esau represented. That is, he adopted an outward appearance like Esau's - thereby representing the good of the natural, which is 'Esau' - and also produced venison like Esau's, which is the truth that is acquired by this good, 3501. The reason why the phrase 'he said' is used so many times is that something new, or a new perception, begins, see 2061, 2238, 2260.

Latin(1748-1756) 3558

3558. `Dixit Jishak ad Jacobum': quod significet perceptionem de naturali hoc, constat ex significatione `dicere' quod sit percipere, de qua prius; et ex repraesentatione `Jacobi' quod sit naturale quoad verum {1}, hic {2}modo naturale quia etiam repraesentabat apparenter, seu simulabat externa forma Esavum, ita quoque naturale quoad bonum, quod est `Esau,' et quoque `venationem ejus' quae est verum quod illius boni, n. 3501: quod toties dicatur `dixit,' etiam est causa quia {3}ita novum incohat, seu nova perceptio, {4}videatur n. 2061, 2238, 2260. @1 i de quo prius$ @2 solum$ @3 aliquid$ @4 nam id significatur etiam per dixit$

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