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属天的奥秘 第3560节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3560

3560. Whether thou be my very son Esau, or not. That this signifies that it was not natural good, is evident from the doubt expressed in these words and in those which presently follow; and as it is the rational which perceives what and of what quality the natural is, there is signified a perception that it was not natural good, or Esau.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3560

3560. 'Whether you are my son, or not' means that it was not natural good. This is clear from the doubt expressed in these words and those immediately following And because the rational is that which perceives what the natural is, and the nature of it, a perception that it was not natural good, or 'Esau', is meant.

Latin(1748-1756) 3560

3560. `An tu is filius meus Esau, si non': quod significet quod non esset bonum naturale, constat ex dubitatione quae in his et in mox sequentibus; et quia rationale est quod percipit quid et quale naturale, est perceptio quod non esset, nempe bonum naturale seu `Esau.'

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