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属天的奥秘 第3631节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3631

3631. It was also once shown me to the life what societies they are, and of what quality, and how they flow in and act, which constitute the province of the face, and flow into the muscles of the forehead, of the cheeks, of the chin, and of the neck, and what communication there is between them. In order that this might be presented to the life, it was allowed them by means of influx and in various ways to present the appearance of a face. In like manner it was shown what societies, and of what quality, flow into the lips, into the tongue, into the eyes, and into the ears; and it was also given to speak with them, and thus to be fully instructed. In this way it was made evident that all who come into heaven are organs or members of the Grand Man; and also that heaven is never shut, but that the greater its numbers the stronger is the endeavor, the stronger the force, and the stronger the action; and further, that the heaven of the Lord is immeasurable, so immeasurable as to exceed all belief; the inhabitants of this earth being very few in comparison, and almost as a pool compared with the ocean.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3631

3631. On one occasion also I was shown in a wholly living way the communities which constitute the province of the face and which flow into the muscles of the forehead, the cheeks, the chin, and the neck. I was shown which particular communities they were, what those communities were like, the manner in which they flowed in, and how they communicated with one another. To make it a living presentation they were allowed by flowing in - in varying ways - to produce the likeness of a face. In a similar way I have been shown which ones they are, and what those communities are like which flow into the lips, the tongue, the eyes, and the ears. And I have also been allowed to talk to them, and so become thoroughly informed. From this it has also become clear to me that all who enter heaven constitute the organs or limbs of the Grand Man, and also that heaven is never shut, but that the more people there are in heaven the stronger is the endeavour, the stronger the force, and the stronger the activity. In addition it has become clear that the Lord's heaven is vast, so vast as to surpass all belief. Compared with heaven the inhabitants on this planet are very few, little more than a pond in comparison with the ocean.

Latin(1748-1756) 3631

3631. Semel etiam prorsus ad vivum ostensum est quaenam et quales societates sunt, et quomodo influunt et agunt illae quae constituunt provinciam faciei, et in ejus frontis, genarum, menti et cervicis musculos influunt, et quomodo illae inter se communicant; utque sisteretur hoc ad vivum, effigiare illis licebat faciem variis modis per influxum; similiter quae et quales societates {1}influunt in labia, in linguam, in oculos, in aures; et datum quoque loqui cum illis, et sic plene instrui. Inde quoque constare potuit quod omnes qui in caelum veniunt, sint organa seu membra Maximi Hominis; et quoque quod caelum nusquam claudatur, sed quo (x)plures, eo fortior conatus, fortior vis, et fortior actio: tum quod caelum Domini sit immensum, et tam immensum ut omnem fidem superet; incolae hujus telluris sunt paucissimi respective, et paene sicut lacus respective ad oceanum. @1 i quae$

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