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属天的奥秘 第368节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]368. The symbolism of a field as doctrine and therefore as every point of doctrine that deals with faith or charity is clear from the Word. In Jeremiah:
Mountain of mine in the field, your resources, all your treasures I will turn into plunder. (Jeremiah 17:3)
The field stands for doctrine, while resources and treasures stand for the spiritual riches of faith, that is, for teachings of faith's doctrine. In the same author:
Will the snow of Lebanon desert the rock of my field? (Jeremiah 18:14)
Jeremiah 26:18 and Micah 3:12 predict that Zion will be plowed like a field when the doctrine concerning faith disappears. In Ezekiel:
He took some of the seed of the land and put it in a field suitable for sowing. (Ezekiel 17:5)
This speaks of the church and its faith. Doctrine is being called a field on account of the seed in it. In the same author:
And let all the trees of the field know that I, Jehovah, will bring down the tall tree. (Ezekiel 17:24)
In Joel:
The field was devastated, the ground mourned, because the grain was devastated, the new wine dried up, the oil weakened. The farmers{*1} were put to shame; the harvest of the field was destroyed. All the trees of the field withered. (Joel 1:10-11, 12)
A field here stands for doctrine, trees for knowledge, and farmers for worshipers. In David:
The field and all that is in it will rejoice. Then all the trees of the forest will sing. (Psalms 96:12)
A field cannot rejoice and trees in the forest cannot sing; only something in us can do so, and that something is religious knowledge. In Jeremiah:
How long will the land mourn and the grass of every field wither? (Jeremiah 12:4)
Again, neither the earth nor the grass of the fields can mourn but only some quality in us that has been ravaged. Likewise in Isaiah:
The mountains and hills will ring before you with song, and all the trees of the field will clap the palms of their hands. (Isaiah 55:12)
The Lord too, in making predictions about the end of the era, refers to the doctrine concerning faith as a field:
Two will be in the field; one will be taken, the other left. (Matthew 24:40; Luke 17:36)
Here the field means both false and true teachings concerning faith, as in the current verse. As the field is doctrine, whoever receives any seed of faith is also called a field, whether it is an individual, the church, or the whole world.

{*1} Swedenborg's sudden inclusion of farmers in this list of instances of the word field may surprise English readers. The verbal connection is more clear in Latin, in which the word for a farmer, agricola, is obviously formed (in part, at least) from the Latin word for a field, ager. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 368

368. That a "field" signifies doctrine, and consequently whatever belongs to the doctrine of faith and charity, is evident from the Word, as in Jeremiah:

O My mountain in the field, I will give thy possessions [facultates] and all thy treasures for a spoil (Jer. 17:3). In this passage "field" signifies doctrine; "possessions" and "treasures" denote the spiritual riches of faith, or the things that belong to the doctrine of faith. In the same:

Shall the snow of Lebanon fail from the rock of My field? (Jer. 18:14). It is declared concerning Zion, when destitute of the doctrine of faith, that she shall be "plowed like a field" (Jer. :26:18, Micah 3:12). In Ezekiel:

He took of the seed of the land, and set it in a field of sowing (Ezek. 17:5), treating of the church and of its faith; for doctrine is called a "field" from the seed in it. In the same:

And let all the trees of the field know that I Jehovah bring down the high tree (Ezek. 17:24). In Joel:

The field is laid waste, the ground mourneth, for the corn is wasted, the new wine is dried up, the oil languisheth, the husbandmen are ashamed, the harvest of the field is perished, all the trees of the field are withered (Joel 1:10-12), where the "field" signifies doctrine, "trees" knowledges, and "husbandmen" worshipers. In David:

The field shall exult and all that is therein; then shall all the trees of the forest sing (Ps. 96:12),where it is perfectly evident that the field cannot exult, nor the trees of the forest sing; but things that are in man, which are the knowledges of faith. In Jeremiah:

How long shall the land mourn, and the herb of every field wither? (Jer. 12:4), where it is also evident that neither the land nor the herbs of the field can mourn; but that the expressions relate to something in man while in a state of vastation. A similar passage occurs in Isaiah:

The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands (Isa. 55:12). The Lord also in His prediction concerning the consummation of the age calls the doctrine of faith a "field:" Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left (Matt. 24:40; Luke 17:36), where by a "field" is meant the doctrine of faith, both true and false. As a "field" signifies doctrine, whoever receives a seed of faith, whether a man, the church, or the world, is also called a "field."

Elliott(1983-1999) 368

368. 'A field' means doctrine, and so everything constituting doctrine concerning faith and charity. This is clear from the Word. In Jeremiah,

O My mountain in the field, I will give for spoil your resources, all your treasures. Jer 17:3.

Here 'field' stands for doctrine, 'resources and treasures' for the spiritual riches of faith, that is, the things that constitute the doctrine of faith. In the same prophet,

Surely the snow of Lebanon will not leave the rock of My field? Jer 18:14.
In reference to Zion it is said, in Jer 26:18; Micah 3:12, that 'it will be ploughed up like a field' when the doctrine of faith does not exist. In Ezekiel,

He took from the seed of the land and planted it in a seed field. Ezek 17:5.

This refers to the Church and her faith, for doctrine is called 'a field' because of the seed it has in it. In the same prophet,

And let all the trees of the field know that I, Jehovah, will bring low the high tree. Ezek 17:24.

In Joel,

The field has been laid waste, the ground has been mourning because the corn has been laid waste, the new wine has failed, the oil has fallen off. Farmers have been put to shame, the harvest of the field has perished, all the trees of the field have withered. Joel 1:10-12.
Here 'field' stands for doctrine, 'trees' for cognitions, 'farmers' for people who cultivate them. In David,

The field will be exultant and everything in it; then all the trees of the wood will sing. Ps 96:12.
Here it cannot be a field that is exultant nor trees of the wood that sing, but things residing with man, namely cognitions of faith. In Jeremiah, How long will the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither? Jer 12:4.
Here similarly it cannot be the land nor the grass of the field that mourns but something with man that has been laid waste. Similarly in Isaiah,

The mountains and hills will resound before you with song, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isa 55:12.

The Lord too, when foretelling the close of the age, also calls the doctrine of faith 'a field',

Two will be in the field, one will be taken, the other left. Matt 24:40; Luke 17:36.

'Field' is used to mean the doctrine of faith, false doctrine as well as true, as in the present verse in Genesis. Because 'field' means doctrine anyone receiving any seed of faith, whether the individual, the Church, or the world, is called a field.

Latin(1748-1756) 368

368. Quod 'ager' significet doctrinam, ita quicquid est doctrinae de fide et charitate, constat a Verbo; apud Jeremiam, Mons Mi in agro, facultates tuas, omnes thesauros tuos in praedam dabo, xvii 3;

ubi 'ager' pro doctrina, 'facultates et thesauri' pro divitiis spiritualibus fidei seu quae sunt doctrinae fidei: apud eundem, Num deseret de petra agri mei, nix Libani? xviii 14:

de Zione praedicatur quod 'sicut ager arabitur,' cum doctrina fidei nulla, Jer. xxvi 18; Mich. iii 12: apud Ezechielem, Sumpsit de semine terrae, posuitque in agro sementis, xvii 5;

ubi de Ecclesia ejusque fide agitur, nam doctrina vocatur 'ager' ex semine: apud eundem, ' Et cognoscant omnes arbores agri, quod Ego Jehovah humiliem arborem altam, xvii 24:

apud Joelem, Devastatus est ager, luxit humus, quia devastatum est frumentum, exaruit mustum, infirmatum est oleum; pudefacti suntagricolae,... periit messis agri,... omnes arbores agri exsiccatae, i 10-12;

ubi 'ager' pro doctrina, 'arbores' pro cognitionibus, 'agricolae' pro cultoribus: apud Davidem, Exsultabit ager, et omne quod in illo, tunc cantabunt omnes arbores silvae, Ps. {x}xcvi 12;

ubi ager non exsultare potest, nec arbores silvae cantare, sed quae sunt apud hominem, quae sunt cognitiones fidei: apud Jeremiam, Quousque lugebit terra, et herba omnis agri arescet? xii 4;

similiter, quod nec terra nec herba agri lugere possit, sed quod est apud hominem, et vastatum: similiter apud Esaiam, Montes et colles personabunt coram vobis cantu, et omnes arbores agri plaudent vola, lv 12:

Dominus quoque, ubi de consummatione saeculi praedicit, etiam doctrinam fidei appellat agrum, Duo erunt in agro, unus assumetur, alter relinquetur, Matth. xxiv 40; Luc. xvii 36;

ubi per 'agrum' intelligitur doctrina fidei tam falsa quam vera, ut hic; quia 'ager' est doctrina, etiam quisquis recipit aliquod semen fidei vocatur ager, et homo, et Ecclesia, et mundus.

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