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属天的奥秘 第369节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]369. From all this we can now deduce what it means that when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. The meaning is that while both faith and charity grew out of the doctrine concerning faith, faith detached from love could not help completely devaluing charity and in this way extinguishing it. People do the same thing today when they claim that faith alone will save them even if they never perform a single act of neighborly love. So their theory itself annihilates charity, even though they recognize and pay lip service to the idea that faith does not save unless there is love.

Potts(1905-1910) 369

369. From this then it follows that the words "Cain rose up against his brother Abel, and slew him, when they were in the field together" denote that while both faith and charity were from the doctrine of faith, yet faith separate from love could not but disregard and thereby extinguish charity; as is the case at the present day with those who maintain that faith alone saves, without a work of charity, for in this very supposition they extinguish charity, although they know and confess with their lips that faith is not saving unless there is love.

Elliott(1983-1999) 369

369. So then, the meaning of the statements 'when they were in the field' and 'Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him' is this: When these two, faith and charity, existed from the doctrine of faith, faith separated from love inevitably regarded charity as being worthless and so annihilated it - like those people nowadays who assert that faith alone accomplishes salvation whether or not they perform any work of charity. This very supposition in itself annihilates charity, even though they know and profess with their lips that faith does not effect salvation unless love is present.

Latin(1748-1756) 369

369. Inde nunc sequitur quid significant, 'cum essent in agro,' quod 'Cain surrexerit contra Habel fratrem suum, et occiderit illum, nempe, cum uterque, tam fides quam charitas essent ex doctrina: fidei, quod fides separata ab amore non potuisset quin nihili faceret charitatem, et sic illam exstinguere; ut solent etiam hodie qui ore ferunt, quod sola fides salvificet si vel nullum opus charitatis faciant; ita in ipsa suppositione exstinguunt charitatem, cum tamen norunt et ore fatentur quod fides non sit salvifica nisi amor sit.

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