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属天的奥秘 第3717节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3717

3717. And I knew it not. That this signifies in an obscure state, is evident without explication; for "not to know," or to be ignorant, signifies what is obscure as to the things which are of intellectual sight. From "not to know," or to be ignorant, as signifying what is obscure; as also from "to awake out of sleep," as signifying to be enlightened; it is evident what and of what nature is the internal sense of the Word; namely, that the things which are of the literal sense are such as appear before the external sight, or some other sense, and are also apprehended according to these senses; whereas the things which are of the internal sense are such as appear before the internal sight, or before some other sense of the internal man. The same things therefore that are contained in the literal sense, and that are apprehended by man according to the external senses, that is, according to things which are in the world, or according to an idea thence derived, are perceived by the angels according to the internal senses; that is, according to those things which are in heaven, or according to an idea thence derived. The former and the latter things stand related as do the things which are in the light of the world to those which are in the light of heaven; the things which are in the light of the world being dead in comparison with those which are in the light of heaven; for in the light of heaven there are wisdom and intelligence from the Lord (see n. 3636, 3643); and therefore when those things which are of the light of the world are obliterated or wiped away, there remain those which are of the light of heaven; thus instead of earthly there remain heavenly things, and instead of natural, spiritual; as in the case above, "not to know," or to be ignorant, signifies to be in an obscure state concerning good and truth; and to "awake out of sleep" signifies to be enlightened; and so in all other cases.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3717

3717. 'And I did not know it' means being in obscurity. This becomes clear without explanation, for 'not knowing' or being ignorant of something means obscurity so far as things understood by the mind are concerned. Because 'not knowing' or being ignorant of something means obscurity, and because also 'awakening from sleep' means becoming enlightened, one may see what the internal sense is and what this is like. That is to say, one may see that the nature of the images belonging to the literal sense is such that they present themselves to a person's external sight or any of his other senses and are also perceived by him as those senses perceive them. But the nature of the images belonging to the internal sense is such that these present themselves to a person's internal sight or any of his other inner sensory powers. The things therefore that are contained in the literal sense and are perceived by a person on the level of the external senses, that is, on the level of worldly images or of ideas formed from these, are perceived by the angels on the level of the internal senses, that is, on that of things in heaven or of ideas formed from these. The difference between images in the literal sense and those in the internal is like that between the things that belong to the light of the world and those that belong to the light of heaven. Those belonging to the light of the world are devoid of life compared with those belonging to the light of heaven; for the light of heaven holds wisdom and intelligence from the Lord within it, 3636, 3643. Consequently when things belonging to the light of the world are removed or cast away those that belong to the light of heaven are left, celestial images replacing earthly ones and spiritual replacing natural. So, as stated above, not knowing or being ignorant comes to mean being in a state of obscurity where good and truth are concerned, and 'awakening from sleep' comes to mean becoming enlightened. And it is similar with all other images in the literal sense.

Latin(1748-1756) 3717

3717. `Et ego non scivi': quod significet in obscuro, constare potest absque explicatione; `non scire' enim et ignorare est obscurum quoad illa quae sunt visus intellectualis. Ex `non scire' {1}et ignorare quod sit obscurum, ut quoque ex expergisci (c)e somno quod sit illustrari, patet quid sensus internus et qualis est, quod nempe illa quae sunt sensus litteralis sint, talia qualia apparent coram visu externo aut alio aliquo sensu, et quoque secundum illos sensus capiuntur, at illa quae sunt sensus interni, talia sunt qualia apparent coram visu interno {2}aut alio ibi sensu; quae itaque in sensu litterali sunt, et ab homine capiuntur secundum sensus externos, hoc est, secundum illa quae (t)sunt in mundo, aut secundum ideam inde, eadem ab angelis {3}percipiuntur secundum sensus internos, hoc est, secundum illa quae sunt in caelo aut secundum ideam inde; se habent illa et haec sicut quae in luce mundi, ad illa quae in luce caeli; quae in luce mundi, sunt mortua respective ad ea quae in luce caeli, in luce caeli enim est sapientia et intelligentia a Domino, n. 3636, 3643; quapropter cum obliterantur seu absterguntur illa quae sunt lucis mundi, remanent illa quae sunt lucis caeli, ita loco terrestrium caelestia, {4}et loco naturalium spiritualia; sicut, quod supra dictum, nescire {5}et ignorare, quod sit in statu obscuro esse de bono et vero, et quod `expergisci a somno' sit illustrari; ita in omnibus reliquis. @1 aut$ @2 et$ @3 percipientur$ @4 seu$ @5 aut$

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