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属天的奥秘 第3824节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3824

3824. And he said, I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter. That this signifies study, and at the same time a holy state, in order to be conjoined with internal truth, is evident from the signification of "serving," as being study; and from the signification of "seven," as being that which is holy (see n. 395, 433, 716, 881); and from the signification of "years," as being states (n. 487, 488, 493, 893); that this was in order to conjunction is evident. Hence it is manifest that by "I will serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter," signifies study, and at the same time a holy state in order to be conjoined with internal truth. Internal truths are said to be conjoined with the natural when they are learned, acknowledged, and believed. In the natural of man, that is, in the memory of this man, there are truths both external and internal, and they are there in the form of memorized doctrinal things; but they have not been conjoined until the man is affected with them for the sake of the use of life, that is, until they are loved for the sake of life; for then good is coupled with them, whereby they are conjoined with the rational, consequently with the internal man. In this way there is an influx of life into them from the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3824

3824. 'And said, I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter' means a diligent effort, to be made during a holy state, to the end that it might be joined to internal truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'serving' as a diligent effort; from the meaning of 'seven' as that which is holy, dealt with in 395, 433, 716, 881; and from the meaning of 'years' as states, dealt with in 487, 488, 493, 893. And as anyone may see, such effort was so that the two might be joined together. From these meanings it is evident that 'I will serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter' means a diligent effort, to be made during a holy state, to the end that it might be joined to internal truth.

[2] Internal truths are said to be joined to the natural when they are learned, acknowledged, and believed. Within man's natural, that is, within his natural memory, both external and internal truths are present. These reside there as religious knowledge, but they have not been joined to the natural man until that person has an affection for them because they have application to his life, that is, life is the reason why he loves them. For when this stage is reached good is coupled to those truths, and by means of that good they are joined to the rational and so to the internal man. By this route life enters into them from the Lord.

Latin(1748-1756) 3824

3824. `Et dixit, Serviam tibi septem annis pro Rachele filia tua minore': quod significet studium et tunc statum sanctum ut cum interno vero conjungeretur, constat a significatione `servire' quod sit studium; a significatione `septem' quod sit sanctum, de qua n. 395, 433, 716, 881; et ex significatione `annorum' quod sint status, de qua n. 487, 488, 493, 893; quod sit propter conjunctionem, constat; inde patet quod per `serviam tibi septem annis pro Rachele filia tua minore' significetur studium et tunc status sanctus ut cum interno vero conjungeretur. [2]Interna vera conjungi naturali dicuntur cum discuntur, agnoscuntur et creduntur;

in naturali hominis seu in hujus memoria sunt vera tam externa quam interna, et ibi ut scientifica doctrinalia, sed non prius conjuncta sunt quam cum homo illis propter usum vitae afficitur, seu propter vitam amantur, nam tunc bonum illis copulatur, per quod conjunguntur cum rationali, proinde cum interno homine; per hanc viam est influxus vitae in illa a Domino.

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