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属天的奥秘 第487节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]487. The symbolism of days as those times and states in general was shown in the first chapter [23], where the days of creation symbolize nothing else.
It is very common for the Word to call all units of time "days."{*1} In this verse the practice is quite obvious, as it also is in verses 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, and 31 below. The general states at those times accordingly are symbolized by days as well. When years are mentioned in conjunction with days, the time spans represented by those years symbolize the nature of the states then; in other words, they symbolize the specific states.
[2] The earliest people had particular numbers they used for symbolizing various aspects of the church: three, seven, ten, twelve, and additional ones that they compounded out of these and others. This allowed them to sum up the states of the church. As a result, these numbers contain hidden wisdom that would require a long explanation. It was a way of evaluating different states in the church.
The same phenomenon occurs at many other places in the Word, especially in the prophets. In the rites of the Jewish religion there are also numbers for both timing and measurement in connection with sacrifices, minhas,{*2} oblations, and other acts of worship; and everywhere those numbers occur they symbolize holiness in the thing they are applied to.
What these numbers specifically involve, then — the eight hundred in this verse, the nine hundred thirty in the next, and so on for the numbers of years in the following verses — is more than I can ever convey. They all come down to changes in the state of religion among those people, seen in relation to their general state.
Later on, by the Lord's divine mercy, I will need to tell what the simple numbers up to twelve symbolize.{*3} Unless this is known first, the symbolism of their products cannot be grasped.

{*1} See, for example, Ezekiel 4:6, which explicitly equates a day with a year. [RS]
{*2} For the definition of a minha, see note 1 in 440 on Isaiah 43:22-23. [LHC]
{*3} For the meaning of one, see 1013, 1285, 1316. For that of two, see 649, 720, 755:2, 900. For that of three, see 482, 720, 900, 901. For that of four, see 1686. For that of five, see 649, 798, 1686. The significance of six has already been explained in 62, 84-85; that of seven, in 395, 433, 482:1 (see also notes 1 and 2 in 395:1). For the meaning of eight, see 2044. For that of nine, see 1988, 2075. The meaning of ten has been touched on in 468:4. For the meaning of eleven, see 9616. For that of twelve, see 575, 577, 648:2. This is only a very small sampling of passages that deal with the meaning of these numbers. For other perspectives on the meaning of sacred numbers, see Schneider 1995 and Lawlor 1982. [LHC, RS]

Potts(1905-1910) 487

487. That by "days" are signified times and states in general, was shown in the first chapter, where the "days" of creation have no other signification. In the Word it is very usual to call all time "days" as is manifestly the case in the present verse, and in those which follow (5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, 31); and therefore the states of the times in general are likewise signified by "days;" and when "years" are added, then by the seasons of the years are signified the qualities of the states, thus states in special. The most ancient people had their numbers, by which they signified various things relating to the church, as the numbers "three" "seven" "ten" "twelve" and many that were compounded of these and others, whereby they described the states of the church; wherefore these numbers contain arcana which would require much time to explain. It was an account or reckoning of the states of the church. The same thing occurs in many parts of the Word, especially the prophetical. In the rites of the Jewish Church also there were numbers, both of times and measures, as for instance in regard to the sacrifices, meat-offerings, oblations, and other things, which everywhere signify holy things, according to their application. The things here involved, therefore, in the number "eight hundred" and in the next verse, in the number "nine hundred and thirty" and in the numbers of years in the verses following-namely, the changes of state of their church as applied to their own general state-are too many to be recounted. In a future part of this work, of the Lord's Divine mercy we shall take occasion to show what the simple numbers up to "twelve" signify, for until the signification of these is known, it would be impossible to apprehend the signification of the compound numbers.

Elliott(1983-1999) 487

487. 'Days means periods of time and states in general. This has been shown in Chapter 1, where the 'days of creation have no other meaning. In the Word it is very common for a whole period of time to be called 'a day', as it clearly is in the present verse and in verses 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, 31, below; and therefore the states that belong to periods of time in general are meant by 'days as well. And when 'years' is attached, then periods of years meant he natures of those states, and so the states in particular.

[2] The most ancient people had their own particular numbers which they would use to mean different aspects of the Church - for instance, the numbers three, seven, ten, twelve, and many which they obtained from these and other numbers - and in so doing incorporated states of the Church. These numbers therefore contain arcana that would require considerable effort to unravel. Really a number was an evaluation of the states of the Church. The same feature occurs throughout the Word, especially in the prophetical. And the religious ceremonies of the Jewish Church also entail numbers specifying periods of time as well as quantities; for example, in connection with sacrifices, minchahs, oblations, and other practices, which in every case have special reference to holy things. Consequently eight hundred in this verse, nine hundred and thirty in the next, and the numbers of years mentioned in the verses that follow after that, embody in particular more matters than can possibly be retold; matters, that is to say, which have to do with changes in the state of their Church in relationship to their own general state. Later on, in the Lord's Divine mercy, the meaning of the simple numbers up to twelve will be given, for without knowing these first of all no one can grasp what compound numbers mean.

Latin(1748-1756) 487

487. Quod per 'dies' significentur tempora et status in genere in capite primo ostensum est, ubi 'dies creationis' nihil aliud significant communissimum est in Verbo omne tempus appellare 'dies,' sicut hic manifeste, inque vers. seq. 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 27, 31; quare etiam status temporum in genere quoque per 'dies' significantur; cumque adjiciuntur anni, tunc per annorum tempora significantur quales status, ita status in specie. [2] Antiquissimi habebant suos numeros per quos significabant varia Ecclesiae, sicut numeros tres, septem, decem duodecim, et plures quos ex illis et aliis componebant, et sic comprehendebant status Ecclesiae; quare numeri hi arcana continent, quae explicare multis opus; erat computus statuum Ecclesiae; etiam passim simile in Verbo, cumprimis prophetico, occurrit; etiam in ritibus Ecclesiae Judaicae sunt numeri tam temporum quam mensurarum ut circa sacrificia, minhas, oblationes et alia, qui ubivis significant sancta applicate; quare quae hic 'octingenti,' et in sequente versi 'nongenti et triginta,' et porro numeri annorum in sequentibus, in specie involvunt, sunt plura quam usquam tradi possunt; nempe mutationes status Ecclesiae illorum applicate ad statum eorum communem. In sequentibus, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, dicendum quid simplices numeri usque ad duodecim significant, qui nisi prius sciantur, non capi potest quid significant numeri compositi.

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