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属天的奥秘 第409节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]409. The situation was similar for the heresy named Cain, which over time suffered devastation. It is true that this heresy acknowledged love, but it put faith in first place, ahead of love. The further heresies that it bred gradually deviated from this, and Lamech, the sixth in line, absolutely denied faith. When this era arrived, a new light or dawn emerged and grew into a new church, here called Adah and Zillah, who are described as Lamech's wives.
They are called the wives of Lamech (who was devoid of faith) just as the inner church and outer church of the Jews (who were also devoid of faith) are called wives in the Word. This was represented in Leah and Rachel, the two wives of Jacob; Leah stood for the outer church and Rachel for the inner. Although this pair of churches appears to be two churches, they are one church, because the external, representative church without the internal church is simply something idolatrous or dead. The internal together with the external, on the other hand, formed one and the same church, as Adah and Zillah do here.
Since "Jacob" or in other words his descendants were, like Lamech, lacking in faith, the church could not remain among them but was transferred to non-Jewish nations, who lived in ignorance rather than faithlessness. Rarely if ever does the church survive among possessors of the truth while they are undergoing devastation. Instead it is transferred to those who know absolutely nothing of the truth, because they embrace faith much more easily.

Potts(1905-1910) 409

409. The case was the same with the heresy called "Cain" which in process of time was vastated, for although it acknowledged love, yet it made faith the chief and set it before love, and the heresies derived from this one gradually wandered from it, and Lamech, who was the sixth in order, altogether denied even faith. When this time arrived, a new light, or morning, shone forth, and a new church was made which is here named "Adah and Zillah" who are called the "wives of Lamech." They are called the wives of Lamech, although he possessed no faith, just as the internal and external church of the Jews, who also had no faith, are also in the Word called "wives" being represented by Leah and Rachel, the two wives of Jacob-Leah representing the external church and Rachel the internal. These churches, although they appear like two, are yet only one; for the external or representative, separate from the internal, is but as something idolatrous, or dead, whereas the internal together with the external constitute a church, and even one and the same church, as Adah and Zillah do here. As however Jacob and his posterity, like Lamech, had no faith, the church could not remain with them, but was transferred to the Gentiles, who lived not in infidelity but in ignorance. The church rarely, if ever, remains with those who when vastated have truths among them [apud se] but is transferred to those who know nothing at all of truths, for these embrace the faith much more easily than the former.

Elliott(1983-1999) 409

409. The same applied to the heresy called Cain, which was vastated with the passage of time, for it did, it is true, acknowledge love, yet it made faith the chief thing and set it above love. The heresies descending from Cain however gradually strayed even from this, and Lamech, who was the sixth in the line, went so far as to reject faith altogether. At this point new light or the morning began to dawn, and a new Church came into being which is here called 'Adah and Zillah', the names of the wives of Lamech. They are called the wives of Lamech, who was devoid of any faith, just as the internal and external Church among the Jews, who were also devoid of any faith, are in the Word called wives. The same was also represented by Leah and Rachel, Jacob's two wives, Leah representing the external Church and Rachel the internal. These Churches, seemingly two, are nevertheless one, for a Church that is purely external or representative and lacks the internal is something completely idolatrous or dead, but the internal Church and the external together constitute one and the same Church, as Adah and Zillah do here. But because, like Lamech, Jacob, that is, the descendants of Jacob, were totally devoid of faith, the Church could not continue with them. Instead it was transferred to gentiles whose lives were not contrary to faith but were without knowledge. Rarely, if ever, does a Church remain with people who, once vastated, are in possession of truths. Instead it is transferred to those who know absolutely nothing about such truths, for such people embrace faith far more easily than the former do.

Latin(1748-1756) 409

409. Similiter se res habuit cum haeresi quae 'Cain' vocata quae temporis tractu vastata est, nam agnovit quidem amorem sed fidem principalem fecit, et praetulit amori; at haereses inde derivatae sensim aberrabant ab hoc, et 'Lamech,' qui fuit sextus ordine, prorsus etiam fidem negavit: cum hoc tempus fuit, tunc nova lux seu mane illuxit, et facta est Ecclesia nova, quae hic vocatur 'Adah et Zillah,' quae uxores Lamechi vocantur. Uxores Lamechi, qui nullius fidei fuit, dicuntur, sicut Ecclesia interna et externa Judaeorum, qui quoque nullius fidei fuerant, quae Ecclesiae quoque uxores vocantur in Verbo; quod etiam repraesentatum fuit per 'Leam et Rachelem,' binas uxores Jacobi, quarum 'Leah' repraesentabat Ecclesiam externam et 'Rachel' internam; quae Ecclesiae, tametsi binae apparent, usque una sunt, nam externa seu repraesentativa absque interna nihil est nisi quoddam idololatricum aut mortuum, at interna cum externa Ecclesiam et unam eandemque constituit, sicut hic 'Adah et Zillah': sed quia Jacobus seu posteritas Jacobi erat sicut Lamech nullius fidei, Ecclesia non potuit manere ibi, sed translata est ad gentes, qui non in infidelitate sed in ignorantia vixerunt. Raro, si usquam, manet Ecclesia apud eos qui veritates habent apud se, dum vastati sunt, sed transfertur ad eos qui prorsus nihil de illis sciunt, nam multo facilius hi amplectuntur fidem quam illi.

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