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属天的奥秘 第410节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]410. There are two kinds of devastation. The first takes place with people who know but do not want to know, or who see but do not want to see. This is what Jews were like and what Christians are like today. The second kind takes place with people who neither know nor see anything because they are untaught. This is what the nations outside the Judeo-Christian tradition were like and are like today as well.
When devastation reaches its final stage with those who know but do not want to know, or see but do not want to see, the church springs up anew. It does so not among that group of people but among people whom they call Gentiles.{*1} This is what happened in the earliest church, which predated the Flood; it is what happened in the ancient church, which followed the Flood; it is what happened in the Jewish church.
The reason new light then shines for the first time is, as I said [408], that people can no longer profane what is being revealed because they do not acknowledge or believe in its truth.

{*1} In Swedenborg's usage, "Gentiles" (gentes) seems to refer to anyone who is not involved with the church of a given dispensation; that is, "outsiders." See note 1 in 231. [RS, SS]

Potts(1905-1910) 410

410. Vastation is of two kinds; first, of those who know and do not wish to know, or who see and do not desire to see, like the Jews of old, and the Christians of the present day; and secondly, of those who, in consequence of their ignorance, neither know nor see anything, like both the ancient and modern Gentiles. When the last time of vastation comes upon those who know and do not desire to know, that is, who see and do not desire to see, then a church arises anew, not among them, but with those whom they call Gentiles. This occurred with the Most Ancient Church that was before the flood, with the Ancient Church that was after that event, and also with the Jewish Church. The reason why new light shines forth then and not before is, as has been said, that then they can no longer profane the things revealed, because they do not acknowledge and believe that they are true.

Elliott(1983-1999) 410

410. There are two kinds of vastation. The first is the vastation of people who know yet do not wish to know, or who see yet do not wish to see, as was characteristic of the Jews, and is characteristic of Christians at the present time. The second is the vastation of people who neither know nor see anything because they have no knowledge, as was characteristic of gentiles in the past and still is characteristic of them today. When the final point of vastation is reached with those who know and yet do not wish to know, or who see and yet do not wish to see, a Church rises up anew, not however among the same people, but among others whom they call gentiles. This was what happened to the Most Ancient Church which existed before the Flood, what happened to the Ancient Church after the Flood, and also what happened to the Jewish Church. The reason new light at that point starts to shine for the first time is, as has been stated, that it is then no longer possible for people to profane things that are revealed, since they do not acknowledge and believe that these are true.

Latin(1748-1756) 410

410. Duplex est vastatio: prima eorum qui sciunt et non volunt scire, seu qui vident et non volunt videre, qualis fuit Judaeorum et qualis est hodie Christianorum; altera est eorum qui nihil sciunt aut vident quia ignorant, quales fuerant gentes et hodie quoque sunt gentes. Cum ultimum vastationis tempus est apud eos qui sciunt et non volunt scire, seu qui vident et non volunt videre, tunc e novo exsurgit Ecclesia, non apud illos sed apud eos quos gentes vocant: ita factum cum Antiquissima Ecclesia quae fuit ante diluvium; ita cum Antiqua Ecclesia quae post diluvium; ita cum Ecclesia Judaica. Causa quod tunc primum nova lux effulgeat, est, ut dictum, quia tunc non amplius profanare possunt illa quae revelantur, quia non agnoscunt et credunt quod vera sint.

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