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属天的奥秘 第4126节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4126

4126. And said unto him, Take heed to thyself lest thou speak with Jacob from good even to evil. That this signifies that there was no longer any communication, is evident from the signification of "speaking from good even to evil," as being to speak good and think evil, and from this at last to speak evil and do evil; for he who thinks evil, at last speaks it and does it. He who is such is no longer conjoined with another, because it is thought and will which conjoin, but not words. In the world indeed words conjoin, but only when the hearer believes that the speaker also thinks good and wills good. But in the other life all thought is manifest, for it is communicated by a certain sphere (which is a spiritual sphere) that proceeds from the person and makes manifest of what kind of disposition (that is, of what kind of will and thought) he is; and conjunction is therefore effected in accordance with this sphere. From this it is manifest that by the words, "lest thou speak from good even to evil," is signified in the internal sense that there was no longer any communication.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4126

4126. 'And said to him, Take care not to speak to Jacob either good or evil' means that no communication existed any longer. This is clear from the meaning of 'speaking either good or evil' as speaking good but thinking evil, and at length consequently speaking evil and practicing it. For anyone who thinks evil at length speaks it and practices it. Anyone like this is no longer joined to another, since it is people's thought and also their will which join them together, not their words. In the world words do, it is true, join people together, but in this case the hearer believes that the speaker also thinks good and wills it. But in the next life all thought stands revealed, for it is communicated by a certain kind of sphere, a spiritual sphere which emanates from another and reveals the nature of his inclination and mind, that is, of his will and thought. Consequently it is in accordance with this sphere that he becomes joined to others. From this it is evident that the words forbidding Laban 'to speak good or evil' in the internal sense mean that no communication existed any longer.

Latin(1748-1756) 4126

4126. `Et dixit ei, Cave tibi ne forte loquaris cum Jacobo a bono usque ad malum': quod significet quod nulla communicatio amplius, constat ea significatione `loqui a bono usque ad malum' quod sit loqui bonum et cogitare malum, et inde tandem loqui malum et facere malum; qui enim cogitat malum, is tandem loquitur id et facit id;

qui talis est, non amplius conjunctus est cum altero, quia cogitatio est et voluntas {1} quae conjungunt, non autem verba; in mundo quidem bonum et velit bonum; at {2} in altera vita omnis cogitatio patet, nam communicatur per quandam sphaeram, quae est sphaera spiritualis quae ab altero procedit {3} et manifestat quali animo, hoc est, quali voluntate et cogitatione est; quare secundum illam fit conjunctio: inde patet quod per haec verba, `ne loquaris a bono usque ad malum' in sensu interno significetur quod nulla communicatio amplius. @1 et voluntas est$ @2 sed$ @3 ut ita dicatur, exhalat$

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