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属天的奥秘 第4125节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4125

4125. And God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream by night. That this signifies the obscure perception of that good when left to itself, is evident from the representation of Laban, as being mediate good, as shown above, who is called "the Aramean" when separated from the good represented by Jacob (n. 4112); and from the signification of a "dream by night," as being what is obscure (n. 2514, 2528). The perception in this obscurity is signified by "God coming in a dream by night."

Elliott(1983-1999) 4125

4125. 'And God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream by night' means the obscure perception of that good when left to itself. This is clear from the representation of 'Laban' as intermediate good, dealt with already, also called 'the Aramean' when separated from the good represented by 'Jacob', 4112; and from the meaning of 'a dream by night' as obscurity, dealt with in 2514, 2528. Perception within that obscurity is the meaning of the statement 'God came in a dream by night'.

Latin(1748-1756) 4125

4125. `Et venit Deus ad Labanem Aramaeum in somnio noctu': quod significet perceptionem obscuram boni illius sibi relicti, constat a repraesentatione `Labanis' quod sit bonum medium, de qua prius, qui `Aramaeus' dicitur, quando separatus est a bono per `Jacobum' repraesentato, {1} n. 4112; et ex significatione `somnii noctu' quod sit obscurum, de qua n. 2514, 2528; perceptio in obscuro illo significatur per quod `venit Deus in somnio noctu.' @1 i videatur$

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