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属天的奥秘 第4172节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4172

4172. I bore the loss of it. That this signifies that good came of it, is evident from the signification of "bearing the loss," as being to make good; here, that good came of it. As regards the evil of fault, and the evil not of fault, which as before shown are signified by a "carcass" and "what is torn," the case is this. The evil of fault, or the evil which a man has contracted by actual life, and has also confirmed in thought even to belief and persuasion, cannot be amended, but remains to eternity; whereas the evil not of fault, which a man has not confirmed by thought, and of which he has not inwardly persuaded himself, does indeed remain, but only adheres in externals; for it does not penetrate to the interiors and pervert the internal man. Such is the evil through which good comes; for the internal man, which has not yet been affected and given consent, can see it in the external as evil, and therefore it can be removed. And as the internal man can see it, it can on that account at the same time see good more clearly; for good is seen more clearly from what is opposite than from what is not opposite; and the man is then also more sensibly affected by good. This then is what is meant by good coming of it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4172

4172. 'I myself bore the loss of it' means that good came out of it. This is clear from the meaning of 'bearing the loss' as making good, in this case as good coming out of it. With regard to the evil for which a person is blameworthy and the evil for which he is not, meant respectively by 'a carcass' and 'that which has been torn', and dealt with immediately above, the position is this: The evil for which a person is blameworthy - that is, the evil which he has acquired by his own practice of it in life, and which he has also established so firmly in his thinking that he believes in it and is thoroughly convinced of it - cannot be corrected but remains for ever. But the evil for which he is not blameworthy - that which he has not firmly established in his thinking and of which inwardly he has not become thoroughly convinced - does indeed remain. Yet it clings only to what is external, for it does not enter into anything more internal and corrupt the internal man. This kind of evil is such that good can come out of it, for the internal man, which has not yet been affected nor has yet acquiesced, is able to see that evil in the external man is indeed evil. Thus it is able to be removed. Also, because the internal man is able to see this evil, therefore at the same time good can be seen more clearly. For good is shown up more clearly by that which is the opposite of it than by that which is not; and the person himself then feels a deeper affection for that good. This then is what is meant by good coming out of it.

Latin(1748-1756) 4172

4172. `Ego indemnificavi id': quod significet quod bonum. inde, constat a significatione `indemnificare' quod sit bonum reddere hic bonum inde. (m)Cum malo culpae et malo non culpae, quae significantur per `cadaver' et {1}`discerptum,' de quibus mox supra, ita se habet: malum culpae seu malum quod homo per actualem vitam sibi contraxit, et quoque confirmavit cogitatione usque ad fidem e persuasionem, non potest emendari, sed hoc manet in aeternum; at malum non culpae, quod homo non confirmavit cogitatione, et {2} non sibi intus persuasit, hoc quidem manet, sed modo haeret in externis, non enim penetrat ad interiora, ac internum hominem pervertit; tale malum est per quod bonum, nam internus homo qui nondum affectus est et consensit, potest videre id in externo quod malum sit, et sic potest id removeri; et quia internus homo id potest videre, ideo simul tunc clarius videre potest bonum, ex opposito enim apparet bonum clarius quam ex non opposito, et quoque sensibilius dein bono afficitur {3}; hoc nunc est quod intelligitur per bonum inde.(n) @1 i per$ @2 ita$ @3 i illo$

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