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属天的奥秘 第4269节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4269

4269. And ye shall also say, Behold thy servant Jacob is behind us; for he said, I will expiate his faces in a present that goeth before me, and afterward I will see his faces; peradventure he will lift up my faces. That this signifies preparation for what follows, and that the present passed over before him signifies the effect, and also that he passed the night in that night in the camp signifies the things which follow, is evident from the several words in the internal sense, which manifestly imply preparation for his being kindly received. But how the case is with the particulars, cannot be unfolded to the apprehension, for so long as the generals are not known, the singulars of the same subject cannot fall into any light, but into mere shade. General notions must precede; and unless there are these, the singulars find no hospice where they may enter. In a hospice where there is mere shade, they are not seen; and in a hospice where there are falsities, they are either rejected, or suffocated, or perverted; and where there are evils, they are derided. It is sufficient that there be received these generals -that man must be regenerated before he can enter into the Lord's kingdom (John 3:3); that until he is being regenerated, truth is apparently in the first place and good in the second; but that when he is being regenerated the order is inverted, and good is in the first place and truth in the second; also, that when the order is being inverted, the Lord so disposes and arranges in order in the natural or external man, that truth is there received by good, and submits itself to good, so that the man no longer acts from truth, but from good (that is, from charity); and further, that he acts from charity when he lives according to the truths of faith, and loves doctrine for the sake of life. The process of these things which are here contained in the internal sense in regard to the orderly arrangement, initiation, and submission of truth before good, appears before the angels in clear light; for such things are of angelic wisdom, although man sees nothing of them. Nevertheless they who are in simple good from simple faith are in the faculty of knowing these things; and if on account of worldly cares and gross ideas arising therefrom they do not apprehend them in the life of the body, they nevertheless do so in the other life, where worldly and bodily things are removed; for they are then enlightened and come into angelic intelligence and wisdom.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4269

4269. 'And you shall also say, Behold, your servant Jacob is behind us. For he said, I will appease him with the gift that is going in front of me, and after that I will see his face; perhaps he will accept me' means preparation for what follows; 'and the gift passed over in front of him' means being carried into effect; also 'he spent that night in the camp' means the things which follow. These meanings become clear from each individual word in the internal sense, which, it is evident, has to do with making preparation to gain a friendly reception. But each individual word cannot be explained intelligibly, for as long as the general aspects of something are not known the individual details of that same thing cannot install themselves where there is any light, only where total shade exists. General conceptions come first, and unless they do, individual details do not have anywhere to go. If they go where total shade exists they are not seen; if they go where falsities reign they are either rejected or smothered or perverted; and if they go where evils reign they are ridiculed. It is enough that those general aspects of truth are received, which are these: A person must be regenerated before he can enter the Lord's kingdom, John 3:3; before he undergoes regeneration truth seemingly occupies the first position and good the second, but when he does undergo it order becomes turned around and good comes to occupy the first position and truth the second; also when order is turned around the Lord deploys and arranges them into order within the natural or external man in such a way that truth is there received by good and truth submits itself to good, with the result that truth is no longer the basis of the person's action but good, that is, charity; also charity is the basis of his action when he leads a life in keeping with the truths of faith and loves what is taught for the sake of that life. The process by which these things are effected - things which have to do with the arrangement of truth into order, its introduction to good, and its submission in the presence of good, and which are the content of the internal sense here - can be seen by angels in clear light; for such matters belong to angelic wisdom, although man sees nothing of those matters Nevertheless those who are governed by simple good arising out of simple faith have the capacity to know them. If they do not come to know them during the life of the body on account of worldly cares and resulting naive ideas, they do so in the next life when worldly and bodily concerns have been removed; for in that case they receive light and enter into angelic intelligence and wisdom.

Latin(1748-1756) 4269

4269. `Et dicetis etiam, Ecce servus tuus Jacob post nos; quia dixit, Expiabo facies ejus in munere eunte ante me, et postea videbo facies ejus, forte suscipiet facies meas': quod significet praeparationem ad sequentia; `et transivit munus ante eum': quod significet effectum; tum `pernoctavit in nocte illa in castris':

quod significet illa quae sequuntur, constare {1} potest ex singulis verbis in sensu interno, quae quod sint praeparationis ut benigne recipiatur, patet. Sed singula quomodo se habent, non explicari possunt {2} ad captum, nam quamdiu communia non nota sunt, singularia ejusdem rei non possunt in aliquam lucem sed in meram umbram cadere; communes notiones praecedent, quae nisi sunt, singularia non habent aliquod hospitium quo intrent; in hospitio ubi mera umbra, non apparent, et in hospitio ubi falsa, vel rejiciuntur vel suffocantur vel pervertuntur, ac ubi mala, ibi irridentur; satis est ut recipiantur haec communia, quod nempe (o)regenerandus sit homo, antequam intrare possit in regnum Domini, Joh. iii 3; quod priusquam regeneratur, verum primo loco apparenter sit {3}, et bonum secundo; at cum regeneratur, quod invertitur ordo, et bonum primo loco sit et verum secundo; tum quando invertitur ordo, quod Dominus disponat et ordinet ita in naturali seu externo homine ut verum ibi a bono recipiatur et ut verum se submittat bono, ita ut homo non amplius ex vero agat sed ex bono, hoc est, ex charitate; tum quod ex charitate {4} agat cum vivit secundum vera fidei ac doctrinam amat propter vitam; processus illarum rerum {5}, quae de ordinatione, initiatione et submissione veri coram bono, in sensu interno hic {6} continentur {7}, coram angelis in clara luce apparet, nam talia sunt sapientiae angelicae, tametsi homo nihil illarum rerum {5} videt; at usque qui in simplici bono sunt ex simplici fide, illi in facultate sunt sciendi illa, si non capiunt illa in vita corporis ob curas mundanas et crassas inde ideas, usque in altera vita, ubi mundana et corporea {8} remota sunt, nam tunc illustrantur ac in intelligentiam (c)et sapientiam angelicam veniunt. @1 i etiam$ @2 i usque$ @3 i antequam regeneratur homo$ @4 et quod tunc ex illis quae sunt charitatis$ @5 illius rei$ @6 before de ordinatione$ @7 continetur$ @8 talia$

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