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属天的奥秘 第4328节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4328

4328. I have also been shown how the case is in general with the voluntary (or will part) and with the intellectual. The most ancients, who constituted the Lord's celestial church (see n. 1114-1123), had a voluntary in which was good, and an intellectual in which was the derivative truth, which two with them made a one. But the ancients, who formed the Lord's spiritual church, had the voluntary altogether destroyed, but the intellectual entire, in which the Lord by regeneration formed a new voluntary, and through this also a new intellectual (see n. 863, 875, 895, 927, 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256). [2] How the case had been with the good of the celestial church was shown by a column descending from heaven, of an azure color, at the left side of which there was a lucidity like the flaming glow of the sun. By this was represented their first state; by the azure color their good voluntary; and by the flaming glow their intellectual. And afterwards the azure of the column passed into a dim flaminess by which was represented their second state, and that their two lives-of the will and the understanding-still acted as a one, but more dimly as to good from the will; for what is azure signifies good, and a flaming glow truth from good. [3] Presently the column became quite black; and around the column there was a lucidity which was variegated by something of shining white, presenting colors; by which was signified the state of the spiritual church. The black column signified the voluntary as being altogether destroyed, and as being nothing but evil; the lucidity variegated by something of shining white signified the intellectual in which was a new voluntary from the Lord; for the intellectual is represented in heaven by what is lucid.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4328

4328. I have also been shown the situation in general with regard to the will part of the mind and the understanding part. The most ancient people who constituted the Lord's celestial Church, and who are described in 1114-1123, had a will which contained good and an understanding which contained truth derived from that good; and with them these two parts made one. The ancients however who formed the Lord's spiritual Church had a will that was completely destroyed, but an intact understanding within which, through regeneration, the Lord formed a new area of will, and through this a new area of understanding also, see 863, 875, 895, 927, 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256.

[2] What the situation had been in the celestial Church so far as good was concerned was demonstrated by means of a blue-coloured column coming down from the sky, the left side of which was full of light, like the blazing light of the sun. This was a representation of the first state of those people, the blue colour representing their will, which was good, and the blazing light their understanding. After that the blue of the column turned to a dull red, which was a representation of their second state, a state in which their two kinds of life - that of the will and that of the understanding - still acted as one, though this was more dull so far as good from the will was concerned. For blue means good, and blazing light truth derived from good. After that the column became completely black, and surrounding the column there was a brightness which was variegated by means of something glittering and which presented colours. These changes meant the state of the spiritual Church. The black column meant that the will had been completely destroyed and that it was nothing but evil. The light variegated by something glittering meant the understanding in which a new will was provided by the Lord; for in heaven the understanding is represented by brightness.

Latin(1748-1756) 4328

4328. Ostensum mihi quoque est quomodo se habet in communi cum voluntario et cum intellectuali; antiquissimi qui Ecclesiam caelestem Domini constituerunt, de quibus n. 1114-1123, habuerunt voluntarium in quo bonum, ac intellectuale in quo verum inde, quae duo apud illos faciebant unum; at antiqui qui Ecclesiam spiritualem Domini formarunt, habuerunt voluntarium prorsus deperditum, sed intellectuale integrum in quo Dominus per regenerationem formabat novum voluntarium et per id quoque novum intellectuale, videatur n. 863, 875, 895, 927, 928, 1023, 1043, 1044, 1555, 2256. [2] Quomodo Ecclesiae caelestis bonum fuerat, ostensum est per columnam e caelo descendentem quae coloris caerulei erat, ad cujus latus sinistrum erat {1} lucidum sicut lucidum flammeum solare; per haec {2} repraesentabatur status eorum primus, per colorem caeruleum illorum bonum voluntarium et per lucidum flammeum (c)illorum intellectuale:

{3} et postea caeruleum columnae transibat in flammeum obscurum, per quod repraesentabatur status eorum secundus, et quod binae eorum vitae, nempe voluntatis et intellectus, usque unum agerent sed obscurius quoad bonum e voluntate; caeruleum enim significat bonum, lucidum flammeum verum ex bono. Postmodum columna {4} illa facta est prorsus nigra, et circum columnam erat lucidum, quod variegabatur per quoddam candescens, et sistebat colores, quibus significabatur status Ecclesiae spiritualis; columna nigra significabat voluntarium quod prorsus deperditum esset, et quod non nisi quam malum; lucidum variegatum per quoddam candescens significabat intellectuale in quo novum voluntarium a Domino;

intellectuale enim in caelo repraesentatur per lucidum. @1 apparuit$ @2 hoc$ @3 at$ @4 i autem$

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