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属天的奥秘 第4347节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4347

4347. And bowed himself to the earth seven times. That this signifies the submission of all things, is evident from the signification of "bowing one's self to the earth," as being an effect of humiliation (n. 2153), consequently submission. The highest degree of submission is signified by "seven times," and the submission of all things by "Jacob's bowing himself;" for Jacob represents the universal of all things (as stated just above, n. 4346). [2] As regards humiliation and submission, few know why this must be in presence of the Divine when man is in worship; and consequently they do not know what it effects. They who are not in the knowledge of interior things cannot believe otherwise than that the Divine wills the humiliation and submission of man, as a man does who is in the lust of glory; and consequently that the Divine wills glory therefrom, and is affected with the glory which man ascribes to Him. But the case is altogether different. The Divine is not in any affection of glory, for what glory has the Divine from man? But He wills humiliation and submission, not for His own, but for man's sake. For when man is in humiliation he feels aversion for the evil and falsity in him (n. 2327, 2423, 3994), and thus removes them, and on their removal the Divine can flow in with good and truth. Everyone may be aware of this in himself. He who is of elated mind is in the love of self, and not only sets himself above others, but also cares nothing for the Divine, and consequently rejects the influx of good, and thence its conjunction with truths. This is the genuine reason for man's humiliation before the Divine. [3] It is therefore manifest that good cannot be conjoined with truths, thus that man cannot be regenerated, unless he humbles and submits himself. Humiliation and submission are predicated of truths because truths flow in through the external man, but good through the internal; and the things that inflow through the external man are attended with fallacies and the consequent falsities with their affections; whereas this is not the case with the things that inflow through the internal man, because it is the Divine that flows in through this, and comes to meet truths, in order that they may be conjoined. From this it is now manifest what is meant by the submission of all things, which is signified by Jacob's "bowing himself to the earth seven times, until he drew near even unto his brother."

Elliott(1983-1999) 4347

4347. 'And bowed to the ground seven times' means the submission of all things. This is clear from the meaning of 'bonging to the ground' as the feeling of humility, dealt with in 2153, and so as submission. The highest degree of submission is meant by 'seven times' and the submission of all things by the fact that Jacob bowed down; for 'Jacob' represents the universal existence of all things, as stated immediately above in 4346.

[2] As regards the expression of humility and submission, few know why these are necessary in the presence of the Divine when a person is engaged in worship. Nor consequently do they know what is accomplished by these actions. Those who have no knowledge of interior things cannot do other than believe that, like any human being bent on glory, the Divine desires people's expression of humility and their submission to Him, and that therefore the Divine desires glory from them and is affected by the glory which people ascribe to Him. But the truth of the matter is altogether different from this. The Divine is not moved by any desire for glory. Indeed what glory does the Divine have which comes from man? He desires humility and submission not for His own sake but for man's. For when humility is present in a person he turns away from the evil and falsity present in him, 2327, 2423, 3994, and in so doing removes them. Once these have been removed the Divine is able to flow in with good and truth. Anyone can recognize this within himself. One who is haughty is ruled by self-love and not only sets himself up above others but also does not care a thing about what is Divine; as a consequence he turns back the influx of good and therefore prevents it from being joined to truths. This is the real reason why a person should express humility in the presence of the Divine.

[3] From this it is evident that good cannot be joined to truths, and so a person cannot be regenerated, unless he humbles himself and is submissive. Humility and submission are attributed to truths because truths flow in by way of the external man whereas good does so by way of the internal. The things which flow in by way of the external man hold within them misconceptions and consequently falsities together with affections for them. Not so the things which flow in by way of the internal man since it is the Divine which flows in by way of this internal man and goes to meet truths so that they may be joined together. From this one may now see the implications of 'the submission of all things', which is the meaning of 'Jacob bowed to the ground seven times until he came right up to his brother'.

Latin(1748-1756) 4347

4347. `Et incurvavit se terram septem vicibus': quod significet submissionem omnium, constat ex significatione `incurvare se terram' quod sit affectus humiliationis, de qua n. 2153, proinde submissio; submissionis summus gradus significatur per `septem vices,' et submissio omnium per quod `Jacob incurvavit se,' Jacob enim repraesentat universale omnium, ut mox supra n. 4346 dictum. [2] Quod humiliationem et submissionem attinet, pauci sciunt cur illa erit coram Divino quando homo est in cultu, inde etiam nec sciunt quid illa efficit; qui non in interiorum cognitione sunt, non aliter credere possunt quam quod Divinum velit humiliationem et submissionem hominis, sicut homo qui in cupiditate gloriae est, proinde quod Divinum velit inde gloriam et afficiatur gloria quam homo Illi {1} tribuit; sed res aliter prorsus se habet; Divinum non est in aliqua affectione gloriae, quid enim gloriae Divino ab homine; sed vult humiliationem et submissionem non Sui sed hominis causa; homo enim cum in humiliatione est, tunc aversatur malum et falsum apud se, n. 2327, 2423, 3994, et sic removet illa, quibus remotis Divinum potest influere cum bono et vero; quisque apud se hoc scire potest; qui animo elato est, in amore sui est et se praeponit non solum aliis, sed etiam Divinum nihil curat, consequenter influxum boni et inde conjunctionem ejus cum veris, rejicit; haec genuina causa humiliationis hominis est coram Divino;

[3] inde patet quod bonum non conjungi possit cum veris, ita non regenerari homo, nisi se humiliet et submittat: de veris praedicatur humiliatio et submissio quia vera influunt per externum hominem, bonum autem per internum; quae per externum hominem influunt, secum habent fallacias, et inde falsa cum illorum affectionibus; quae autem per internum, non ita, quia Divinum est quod per hunc influit, et obviam venit veris ut conjungantur. Inde nunc patet quid intelligitur per submissionem omnium, quae significatur per quod `Jacob incurvaverit se terram septem vicibus, usque appropinquaverit se usque ad fratrem suum.' @1 ipsi$

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