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属天的奥秘 第4374节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4374

4374. Verses 12-16. And he said, Let us journey, and go, and I will go close by thee. And he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender, and that the flocks and the herds are suckling with me, and if they drive them on in one day, all the flocks will die. Let my lord I pray pass over before his servant, and I will proceed slowly to the foot of the work that is before me, and to the foot of the children, until I come unto my lord unto Seir. And Esau said, Let me set I pray with thee of the people that are with me. And he said, Wherefore is this? Let me find grace in the eyes of my lord. And Esau returned in that day unto his way, unto Seir. "And he said, Let us journey, and go," signifies what is successive; "and I will go close by thee," signifies that they are to be conjoined; "and he said unto him, My lord knoweth that the children are tender," signifies truths which have not yet acquired Divine life; "and that the flocks and the herds are suckling with me," signifies goods both interior and natural which have not as yet acquired Divine life; "and if they drive them on in one day, all the flocks will die," signifies delay and what is successive, and that otherwise they would not live, thus that they are to be prepared for conjunction; "Let my lord I pray pass over before his servant," signifies a more general presence; "and I will proceed slowly," signifies a successive state of preparation; "to the foot of the work that is before me," signifies according to generals; "and to the foot of the children," signifies according to the truths therein; "until I come unto my lord unto Seir," signifies until they could be conjoined; "Seir" denotes the conjunction in the natural of spiritual things with celestial; "and Esau said, Let me set I pray with thee of the people that are with me," signifies that some things from the truth of good should be conjoined; "and he said, Wherefore is this? Let me find grace in the eyes of my lord;" signifies enlightenment from presence more interiorly; "and Esau returned in that day unto his way, unto Seir," signifies the state then of Divine good natural to which the goods of truth were adjoined; "way" denotes the good of truth relatively.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4374

4374. Verses 12-16 And he said, Let us travel on and go, and I will go beside you. And he said to him, My lord knows that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with me are suckling, and if the men overdrive them for one day, all the flocks will die. Let my lord now pass over before his servant, and I will move on slowly at the walking-pace of the cattlea that are before me, and at the walking-paceb of the children, until I come to my lord, to Seir. And Esau said, Let me now place with you some of the people who are with me. And he said, Why so? Let me find favour in my lord's eyes. And Esau returned on that day on his own way, to Seir.

'He said, Let us travel on and go' means a further stage. 'And I will go beside you' means that they are to be joined together. 'And he said to him, My lord knows that the children are tender' means truths which have not yet acquired Divine life. 'And the flocks and herds with me are suckling' means goods, interior ones and natural ones, which have not yet acquired Divine life. 'And if the men overdrive them for one day, all the flocks will die' means a passage of time and a subsequent stage; also that otherwise they would not live, and so needed to be prepared to be joined together. 'Let my lord now pass over before his servant' means a more general presence. 'And I will move on slowly' means the subsequent state of preparation. 'At the walking-pace of the cattle that are before me' means as determined by the things that are general 'And at the walking-pace of the children' means as determined by the truths situated within. 'Until I come to my lord, to Seir' means until they could be joined together, 'Seir' meaning the joining of spiritual things to celestial ones within the natural. 'And Esau said, Let me now place with you some of the people who are with me' means that some truths supplied by the truth of good might be joined. 'And he said, Why so? Let me find favour in my lord's eyes' means enlightenment received from their comparatively internal presence. 'And Esau returned on that day on his own way, to Seir' means the state at the time of Divine Natural Good to which the goods of truth had been linked, 'way' meaning, when compared with that Good, the good of truth.


a lit. at the foot of the work
b lit. at the foot

Latin(1748-1756) 4374

4374. Vers. 12-16. Et dixit, proficiscamur et eamus, et ibo ad juxta te. Et dixit ad illum, Dominus meus scit quod nati teneri, et greges et armenta lactentia apud me, et impulerint ea die uno, et morientur omnes greges. Transeat quaeso dominus meus ante servum suum, et ego procedam lente ad pedem operis quod coram me, et ad pedem natorum, usque quod venero ad dominum meum, ad Seir. Et dixit Esau, Statuam quaeso cum te de populo qui mecum; et dixit, Quare hoc? inveniam gratiam in oculis domini mei. Et reversus in die illo Esau ad viam suam, ad Seir. `Dixit, Proficiscamur et eamus' significat successivum: `et ibo ad juxta te' significat quod conjungenda: `et dixit ad illum, Dominus meus scit quod nati teneri' significat vera quae nondum vitam Divinam adepta: `et greges et armenta lactentia apud me' significat bona interiora et naturalia quae adhuc non vitam Divinam adepta: `et impulerint ea die uno, et morientur omnes greges' significat moram et successivum, et quod aliter non viverent, ita quod ad conjunctionem praeparanda: `transeat quaeso dominus meus ante servum suum significat praesentiam communiorem: `et ego procedam lente' significat statum praeparationis successivum: `ad pedem operis quod coram me' significat secundum communia: `et ad pedem natorum' significat secundum vera quae ibi: `usque quod venero ad dominum meum, ad Seir' significat usque dum conjungi possent; `Seir' est conjunctio spiritualium cum caelestibus in naturali: `et dixit Esau, Statuam quaeso cum te de populo qui mecum' significat quod conjungerentur aliqua de boni vero: `et dixit, Quare hoc? inveniam gratiam in oculis domini mei' significat illustrationem a praesentia interius: `et reversus in die illo Esau ad viam suam, ad Seir' significat statum Divini Boni Naturalis tunc cui adjuncta veri bona; `via' est veri bonum respective.

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