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属天的奥秘 第4373节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4373

4373. And he urged him, and he took it. That this signifies that from the good of truth this affection was instilled by means of affection inspired by Divine good, may be seen from all that has been thus far unfolded (from n. 4364). The affection itself of truth inspired in the good by the Divine good is attested by his urging him (see above, n. 4366). As further regards the affection of truth which is treated of in these verses, be it known that this appears to be from truth, and thus in truth, and yet it is not from truth, but from good; for truth has nothing of life in it except that which is from good. Its appearing as if it were from truth, is comparatively circumstanced as is the life that is in the body, and yet is not of the body, but of the soul. Nor is it of the soul, but through the soul from the first of life (that is, from the Lord), although it appears as if it were of the body. It is also circumstanced as is an image in a mirror, which appears in the mirror, when yet it is of the inflowing form. [2] To those who keep the mind in the mere historicals, it does not indeed appear that the internal sense of these and the foregoing words is of such a nature, for they think of Esau and Jacob, and of the gift that was sent forward; not knowing that by Esau is represented Divine good in the natural, and by Jacob the truth which is to be conjoined with the Divine good there; and that by their friendly conference is here signified affection inspired into truth by good. And yet when these things are being read by man the angels understand these historicals in no other way; for the angels have no other idea than a spiritual one, and with them the historical sense is turned into this idea. In this way do angelic thoughts correspond with human thoughts. It is such perpetual correspondences that make the Word holy and Divine; for thus by ascent the literal sense becomes spiritual, and this even to the Lord, where it is Divine. This is inspiration.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4373

4373. 'And he urged him. and he took it' means that that affection originating in the good of truth was instilled by means of affection inspired by Divine Good. This becomes clear from the explanations given so far in 4364 onwards. Further evidence of the actual affection for truth, inspired within the good by Divine Good, is displayed by his urging him, see above in 4366. Before anything more can be said about the affection for truth which is the subject in these verses, it should be recognized that although that affection seems to derive from truth and so to exist within truth it does not derive from truth but from good; for truth has no life at all within it apart from that which comes from good. Its seeming to derive from truth is, to use a comparison, like the life which is present within the body. That life does not in fact belong to the body but to the soul, nor yet to the soul but flows in by way of the soul from the Prime source of life, that is, from the Lord, however much it seems to belong to the body It is also like an image in a mirror, which is seen within the mirror but is in fact a reflection of a shape entering from outside.

[2] To people who confine their minds to the historical details it is not indeed apparent that the internal sense of these words and those before them is anything of the kind; for their thought is of Esau, and of Jacob and the gift he sent ahead of him. They are not aware of the fact that 'Esau' represents Divine Good within the natural and 'Jacob' truth which is to be joined there to Divine Good. Nor are they aware that their friendly dialogue here means an affection inspired within truth by good. Yet the angels understand these historical details in no other way when these are read by man, for angels possess no other mental picture of things than a spiritual one. With them the historical sense is converted into that spiritual picture, and in this way angelic thoughts correspond to those of men. It is never-ending correspondences such as these that cause the Word to be holy and Divine, for as it rises up to heaven the literal sense becomes spiritual. It also rises all the way up to the Lord, where it becomes Divine. This is Inspiration.

Latin(1748-1756) 4373

4373. `Et ursit illum, et accepit': quod significet quod a veri bono illa per affectionem inspiratam a Divino Bono insinuaretur constare potest ab illis quae huc usque a n. 4364 explicata sunt;

ipsi affectio veri bono inspirata a Divino Bono testata est per quod `urserit illum,' videatur supra n. 4366. (m)Quod affectionem veri de qua in hi versibus actum est, ulterius attinet, sciendum quod illa appareat esse a vero, ac ita in vero, sed non est a vero, sed a bono, nam vero nihil vitae inest nisi quae est a bono; quod appareat sicut foret a vero, {1} se habet comparative sicut vita quae est in corpore, quae tamen non est corporis sed animae, nec animae sed per animam a Primo vita hoc est, a Domino, et tamen apparet sicut corporis {2}; et quoque habet sicut imago in speculo, quae apparet in speculo, `cum tam' est effigiei influentis.(n) [2] Quod sensus internus horum verborum praecedentium talis sit, non quidem apparet illis qui in historicis tenent mentem, nam de Esau et Jacobo deque munere praemisso cogitant, non scientes quod per `Esau' repraesentetur Divinum Bonum in naturali, et per `Jacobum' verum quod Divino Bono conjungendum (o)est ibi, et hic quod per amicam illorum collocutionem significetur affectio inspirata vero a bono: at usque historica illa non aliter intelligunt angeli quando illa leguntur ab homine; angeli enim nullam aliam ideam habent quam spiritualem; in hanc apud illos vertitur sensus historicus; correspondent ita cogitationes angelicae cum humanis;

sunt perpetuae correspondentiae tales, quae faciunt quod Verbum sanctum et Divinum sit, nam litteralis sensus ita per ascensum fit spiritualis, et hoc usque ad Dominum, ubi Divinus: haec est Inspiratio. @1 apparet tamen usque sicut foret a vero, sed hoc$ @2 in corpore$ @3 sed$

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