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属天的奥秘 第4378节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4378

4378. And that the flocks and the herds are suckling with me. That this signifies goods both interior and natural, which as yet have not acquired Divine life, is evident from the signification of "flocks," as being interior goods (n. 2566, 3783); and from the signification of "herds," as being exterior or natural goods (n. 2566, and further, n. 2180, 2781); and from the signification of "suckling," as being also recent goods, here spiritual goods that are being born in the natural. For in the state of infancy (in relation to the regeneration of man) spiritual things are in potency within; for spiritual life develops successively from one age to another, as from an egg. The age of infancy is as an egg to the age of childhood, and the age of childhood is as an egg to the age of youth and early manhood, and this as an egg to adult age; so that man is as it were being born continually. From this it is evident what is meant by goods both interior and natural which as yet have not acquired Divine life, and which are here signified by the flocks and the herds that are suckling. (See also what was said just above concerning the state of infancy, n. 4377.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 4378

4378. 'And the flocks and herds with me are suckling' means goods, interior ones and natural ones, which have not yet acquired Divine life. This is clear from the meaning of 'flocks' as interior goods, dealt with in 2566, 3783; from the meaning of 'herds' as exterior or natural goods, in 2566, and in addition in 2180, 2781; and from the meaning of 'sucklings' as goods which also are recent, and are in this case spiritual ones that am being born within the natural.

[2] In the state of infancy that a person passes through when being regenerated spiritual things are present in potentiality, for spiritual life emerges, as if from an egg, out of each consecutive age. The phase of infancy is so to speak the egg for that of childhood; the phase of childhood is so to speak the egg for that of adolescence and youth; and this phase is as it were the egg for that of adult years. Thus the person is so to speak repeatedly experiencing birth. This shows what is implied by goods, interior ones and natural ones, which have not yet acquired Divine life, meant here by 'flocks and herds that are suckling'. See also what has been stated immediately above in 4377 about the state of infancy.

Latin(1748-1756) 4378

4378. `Et greges et armenta lactentia apud me': quod significet bona interiora et naturalia quae adhuc non vitam Divinam adepta, constat a significatione `gregum' quod sint bona interiora, de qua n. 2566, 3783; ex significatione `armentorum' quod sint bona exteriora seu naturalia, n. 2566, et praeterea n. 2180, 2781; et ex significatione `lactentium' quod quoque sint recentia, hic spiritualia nascentia in naturali; [2] in statu enim infantiae cum regeneratur homo, spiritualia insunt potentia, nam spiritualis vita successive prodit a quacumque aetate, sicut ab ovo; aetas infantiae est quasi ovum aetati pueritiae, et aetas pueritiae est quasi ovum aetati adolescentiae et juventutis, et haec sicut ovum aetati adultae; sic quasi continue nascitur homo; inde patet quid intelligitur per bona interiora et naturalia quae adhuc non vitam Divinam adepta, quae hic significantur per `greges et armenta lactentia'; videantur etiam quae mox supra n. 4377 de infantiae {1} statu dicta sunt. @1 i hoc$

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