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属天的奥秘 第4456节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4456

4456. Multiply upon me exceedingly dowry and gifts and I will give as ye say unto me. That this signifies that he will accept the things that are with them, and will make them his own, that is, he would accept the external things of the church which belong to them and make them his own together with the internal things which belong to him, and thus they would constitute one church together, is evident from the signification of "giving as ye say," as being to make a one with them in respect to truth and good (see just above, n. 4455). The very dowry and gift that he said they should multiply upon him, signify agreement into one; for the dowry given to the virgin who was to be betrothed was a token of mutual consent. He tells them to multiply dowry and gift upon him exceedingly (thus beyond the statute, which was fifty pieces of silver) for the reason that he lay with her before he had accepted their religiosity, and therefore it was for Jacob to consent or refuse, according to the law known to the ancients and stated in Exodus 22:16; and especially because there was a desire for the conjunction of interior truth which is "Shechem," with the affection of exterior truth which is "Dinah." The reason why the dowry was a token of consent, and thus a confirmation of initiation, is that to pay or give silver was a sign that the thing was one's own, and thus that the virgin was his; and to accept it was the reciprocity, thus denoting that the bride was the bridegroom's, and the bridegroom the bride's.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4456

4456. 'Increase the dowry and gift to any size, and I will give whatever you tell me' means that he will accept the things which exist with them and will make those things his own; that it is to say, he will accept the external things of the Church which are theirs and make those things his own together with the internal ones which are his own, and in this way they will constitute one Church. This is clear from the meaning of 'giving whatever you tell me' as making one with them in truth and good; dealt with immediately above in 4455. The actual 'dowry and gift' which he told them to increase to any size means a consenting to become one, for the dowry that was given to a virgin who was to be betrothed was a token of the consent given by both parties. One reason why he tells them to increase the dowry and gift to any size - and so to go above the statutory requirement, which was fifty pieces of silver - is that he lay with her before his adoption of their semblance of religion, and therefore it was a matter for Jacob either to consent or to refuse, in accordance with the law also known to the ancients which is set out in Exod 22:16, 17. But the chief reason why he tells them to do so was the desire for the joining together, that is to say, for the joining of interior truth meant by 'Shechem' to the affection for exterior truth meant by 'Dinah'. The reason why a dowry was a token of consent and so a strengthening of the first stage is that weighing or giving silver was a sign that a thing was one's own, and so that the virgin was his; and the acceptance of the silver was a sign of reciprocation. It was accordingly a sign that the bride was the bridegroom's, and the bridegroom the bride's.

Latin(1748-1756) 4456

4456. `Multiplicate super me valde dotem et donum, et dabo quemadmodum dicitis ad me': quod significet quod acceptabit illa quae apud illos, et faciet sua, nempe externa Ecclesiae quae illorum, cum internis quae sua, ac ita simul unam Ecclesiam constituent, constat ex significatione `dare quemadmodum dicitis' quod sit unum facere cum illis quoad verum et bonum, de qua mox supra n. 4455; ipsa `dos et donum {1}' quae dixit ut multiplicarent super illum, significat consensum in unum, nam dos quae dabatur virgini desponsandae, erat tessera quod utrinque consensus {2};

dicit quod multiplicarent super illum valde dotem et donum, ac ita super statutum, quod erat quinquaginta argenti, ex causa quia cubuit cum illa (m)antequam acceptavit eorum religiosum, et quod esset a parte Jacobi consentire vel renuere, secundum legem antiquis etiam notam, de qua Exod. xxii 15, 16 [A.V. 16, 17];

imprimis quia desiderata erat conjunctio, nempe interioris veri quod `Shechem,' cum affectione exterioris quae `Dinah.' Quod dos fuerit tessera consensus {2} et sic confirmatio initiationis, est quia appendere seu dare argentum erat signum quod suum esset, ita quod virgo illius, et acceptare illud esset reciprocum, ita sponsa esset sponsi, et sponsus sponsae. @1 domum I$ @2 confessus I$

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