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属天的奥秘 第4468节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4468

4468. And we will be for one people. That this signifies conjunction in respect to doctrine also, is evident from the signification of "people," as being the truth of the church, consequently doctrine (see n. 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581). Thus "to be for one people," denotes conjunction by doctrine. There are two things which conjoin together the men of the church, namely, life and doctrine. When the life conjoins them, the doctrine does not separate them; but if the doctrine alone conjoins them, as is the case at this day within the church, they then separate from one another and make as many churches as there are doctrines; although the doctrine is for the sake of the life, and the life is from the doctrine. That the men of the church separate from one another if the doctrine alone conjoins them, is evident from the fact that a man who is of one doctrine will condemn him who is of another doctrine, sometimes to hell. But that the doctrine does not separate the men of the church if the life conjoins them, is evident from the fact that a man who is in goodness of life does not condemn another who is of a different opinion, but leaves the matter to his faith and conscience, and this even as regards those who are outside the church; for he says in his heart that ignorance cannot condemn any who live in innocence and mutual love, as do little children, who also are in ignorance when they die.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4468

4468. 'And we will be one people' means being joined together in doctrine. This is clear from the meaning of 'people' as the truth of the Church, and therefore doctrine, 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581. 'Being one people' accordingly means being joined together through doctrine. There are two things which join members of the Church together - life and doctrine. When life joins them together doctrine does not separate them, but if doctrine alone joins them together, as happens within the Church at the present day, they separate themselves from one another and form as many Churches as there are varieties of doctrine, even though doctrine exists for the sake of life, and life ensues from doctrine. Their separation from one another if doctrine alone joins them together is evident from the fact that a person who subscribes to one doctrine condemns him who subscribes to another, sometimes to hell. But doctrine does not separate people if life joins them together. This is evident from the fact that a person who leads a good life does not condemn another because he has a feeling about something different from his own but leaves it be as a matter of the other's faith and conscience. And this is an attitude which he adopts even towards those outside the Church, for he says in his heart that ignorance cannot condemn any of them, provided that they lead lives of innocence and mutual love, as young children do, who also, if they die, are in ignorance.

Latin(1748-1756) 4468

4468. `Et erimus in populum unum': quod significet quoad doctrinam etiam conjunctionem,' constat ex significatione `populi' quod sit verum Ecclesiae, proinde doctrina, de qua n. 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581; ita `esse in populum unum' est conjunctio per doctrinam. (s)Sunt duo quae conjungunt homines Ecclesiae, nempe vita et doctrina; quando {1} vita conjungit, doctrina non separat, sed si solum doctrina conjungit, sicut hodie fit intra Ecclesiam {2}, tunc se mutuo separant, et tot faciunt Ecclesias quot sunt doctrinae; cum tamen doctrina sit propter vitam et vita ex doctrina; quod se separent {3}, si solum doctrina conjungit, patet ex eo quod qui ab una doctrina est, damnet alterum, quandoque ad infernum; at quod doctrina non separet si vita conjungit {4}, patet ex eo quod qui in bonitate vitae est, non damnet alterum qui aliter sentit, sed illius fidei et conscientiae id (x)relinquat, et hoc usque ad illos qui extra Ecclesiam sunt; dicit enim corde quod ignorantia neminem damnare possit, si vivant in innocentia et mutuo amore, sicut infantes, qui quoque in ignorantia sunt cum {5} obeunt.(s) @1 cum$ @2 in Ecclesia$ @3 after following conjungit$ @4 after at$ @5 A has full stop after sunt. Cum obeunt is a later addition.$

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