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属天的奥秘 第4469节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4469

4469. And if ye will not listen to us to circumcise. That this signifies unless they would recede from their truths, and accede to external representatives, is evident from what has been above unfolded (n. 4462). What is said in these verses by the sons of Jacob enfolds within it a contrary sense to that which was in the mind of Hamor and Shechem, and consequently also that which is contrary in the internal sense, as is evident from the explications. The reason is that as is stated in verse 13, they spoke in fraud, and one who so speaks thinks differently from him with whom he is speaking.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4469

4469. 'And if you do not listen to us to be circumcised' means unless they forsook their own truths and accepted external representatives. This is clear from what has been explained above in 4462. The statements made in these verses by Jacob's sons carry a meaning which is the opposite of that which Hamor and Shechem had in mind, and therefore also that which is the opposite in the internal sense, as shown by the explanations given. The reason for this is as stated in verse 13, that they spoke deceitfully, and the thoughts and feelings of one who speaks deceitfully are different from those of the one to whom he is speaking, 4459.

Latin(1748-1756) 4469

4469. Et si non audiatis ad nos ad circumcidendum': quod significet nisi recesserint a suis veris et accesserint ad repraesentativa externa, constat ex illis quae supra n. 4462 explicata sunt. (m)Quae in his versibus a filiis Jacobi dicta sunt, involvunt sensum contrarium quam qui erat apud Hamorem et Shechemum, proinde etiam contrarium in sensu interno, ut patet ab explicationibus; causa est quia in fraude locuti sunt, ut dicitur {1} vers. 13, et qui in fraude loquitur, is diversum sentit ab illo cum quo loquitur, (o)n. 4459.(n) @1 i in$

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