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属天的奥秘 第4497节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4497

4497. That the two sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi. That this signifies faith and love, is evident from the representation of Simeon, as being faith in the will (see n. 3869-3872), and from the representation of Levi, as being spiritual love or charity (n. 3875, 3877). This is the signification in the genuine sense of "Simeon and Levi" and of the tribes called after them, but in the opposite sense they signify what is false and evil, for falsity is opposite to the truth of faith, and evil to the good of charity. Such is the representation of Simeon and Levi with respect to the Jewish nation, which had extinguished in itself everything of faith and charity (which were the internals of worship), as may better appear from what follows, where it is said of them that they killed Hamor, Shechem, and the men of the city; and that the sons of Jacob came upon those who were pierced, and made a prey of all things. The reason why it was Simeon and Levi who did this, was to represent the fact that the truth of faith and the good of charity had become falsity and evil; for when in the church truth becomes falsity and good becomes evil it is all over with the church.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4497

4497. 'That two of Jacob's sons, Simeon and Levi' means faith and love. This is clear from the representation of 'Simeon' as faith in the will, dealt with in 3869-3872, and from the representation of 'Levi' as spiritual love or charity, dealt with in 3875, 3877. These are the things meant in the genuine sense by Simeon and Levi and also by the tribes named after Simeon and Levi. But in the contrary sense falsity and evil are meant, for falsity is the contrary of the truth of faith, and evil the contrary of the good of charity. These are the things that Simeon and Levi represent when the context is the Jewish nation which had annihilated among themselves everything of faith and everything of charity, such as constitute the internal aspects of worship. This becomes much clearer in what follows where it is said that they killed Hamor, Shechem, and the men of the city, and that the sons of Jacob came upon the slain and plundered everything. Simeon and Levi were the ones to commit this deed, so as to represent the fact that the truth of faith and the good of charity had been made into falsity and evil. For when truth becomes falsity and good becomes evil within the Church, the Church is done for.

Latin(1748-1756) 4497

4497. `Et acceperunt duo filii Jacobi Shimeon et Levi': quod significet fidem et amorem, constat a repraesentatione `Shimeonis' quod sit fides voluntate, de qua n. 3869-3872, et ex repraesentatione `Levi' quod sit amor spiritualis seu charitas, de qua n. 3875, 3877; in genuino sensu illa per Shimeonem et Levi et quoque per tribus a Shimeone et Levi nominatas significantur, at in sensu opposito falsum et malum, nam falsum est oppositum vero fidei, et malum bono charitatis; haec repraesentant Shimeon et Levi respective ad gentem Judaicam quae apud se exstinxerat omne fidei et omne charitatis quae erant interna cultus; ut melius constare potest a sequentibus, ubi de illis dicitur quod `occiderint Hamorem, Shechemum {1}, (c)et viros urbis,' et quod `filii Jacobi venerint super confossos et depraedati sint omnia.' Quod Shimeon et Levi id fecerint, erat ut repraesentaretur quod verum quod fidei et bonum quod charitatis, factum sit falsum et malum; cum enim verum fit falsum et bonum fit malum in Ecclesia, actum est de Ecclesia. @1 i et$

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