Potts(1905-1910) 4560
4560. Because there the gods were revealed unto him. That this signifies holy truths, is evident from the signification of "gods," as being holy truths (see n. 4402). That these were adjoined to the good represented by Jacob, is signified by the "gods there revealed to him." That the place was called "El-Bethel," and yet previously (in chap. 28:19) and again later (verse 15 of this chapter), "Bethel," and likewise that here when it is called "El-Bethel" it is said, "because there the gods were revealed unto him," in the plural, and afterwards (verse 15) "where God spoke with him," in the singular, is a mystery, and it is evident that this mystery can be known only from the internal sense. Moreover, many other mysteries are hidden herein, but these cannot be disclosed.
Elliott(1983-1999) 4560
4560. 'For there the gods were revealed to him' means holy truths. This is clear from the meaning of 'the gods' as holy truths, dealt with in 4402; and the alliance of these to the good represented by 'Jacob' is meant by the revelation of the gods to him there. Jacob's calling the place El Bethel, when yet previously he called it Bethel, Gen 28:19, and again calls it this in verse 15 below; also, the addition of the phrase here, 'for there the gods (plural) were revealed to him' but in verse 15 below of the phrase, 'where God (singular) spoke to him', is an arcanum. And that arcanum, it is evident, cannot be known except from the internal sense. There are even more arcana lying concealed within these details, but it is not possible for them to be disclosed.
Latin(1748-1756) 4560
4560. `Quia ibi revelati ad illum dii': quod significet sancta vera, constat ex significatione `deorum' quod sint sancta vera, de qua n. 4402; quod haec adjuncta bono per `Jacobum' repraesentato, significatur per `deos ibi (o)ei revelatos'. Quod locus (o)ille vocatus sit El-Bethel, et tamen prius cap. xxviii 19, et quoque postea vers. (x)15 hujus capitis, Bethel, tum quod hic cum vocatur El-Bethel {1}, dicatur `quia ibi revelati ad illum dii' in plurali, ac postea vers. 15, `ubi locutus cum illo Deus' in singulari, arcanum sit, et quod arcanum illud non sciri possit quam ex sensu interno, patet; sunt praeterea plura arcana quae in illis {2} recondita latent, sed illa non detegi possunt. {7} @1 Bethel I$ @2 his$ @3 An interesting deletion follows: vix enim hoc quod dictum est, ad captum tametsi simplex, capitur, ab illis qui respective simplex, capi potest, si capi possit, creditur. It is probable that ab illis qui respective starts a new statement: the former being left incomplete.$