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属天的奥秘 第4630节


  4630.有一个灵人出现了,但在我头顶上不见了。我从一种恶臭察觉他在那里,这种恶臭就像蛀牙的臭味。后来,我又闻到一种像从烧焦了的角或骨头发出的难闻气味。这时,一大群这样的灵人来了,像一朵云那样从下面升起,离我的后背不远;由于这些灵人也不可见,所以我猜测他们特别聪明,却很邪恶。我被告知,在有属灵气场的地方,这些灵人是不可见的;但在有属世气场的地方,他们是可见的。因为那些如此属世,以至于根本不思想属灵事物,也不相信地狱或天堂的存在,然而又擅长打交道的人,就像这些灵人,并被称作“隐形的属世人”(the invisible natural ones)。不过,通过前面所描述的他们的恶臭,他们有时也为其他人所知。

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Potts(1905-1910) 4630

4630. A certain person was present unseen over my head. I knew he was there by the stench, which was like that of rotten teeth, and I afterwards noticed a smell like that from burning horn or bone. Then there came a great crowd of such persons that rose up like a cloud from below not far from the back, and as these also were unseen, I conjectured that they were subtle, and yet evil; but I was told that these were invisible where there is a spiritual sphere, but visible where there is a natural sphere. For those who are so natural as not to think at all about spiritual things, nor to believe in the existence of hell or of heaven, and yet are subtle in their transactions, are such as these, and are called "the invisible natural," being sometimes made manifest to others by their stench, as described above.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4630

4630. A certain spirit was once present, but was invisible over my head. I detected his presence from a stink that was like that of rotten teeth, and after that a stench like that coming from burnt horn or bone. Then a large crowd of spirits like this one came on the scene, rising up like a cloud from below, not far from my back; and because these too were invisible I presumed that they were particularly clever but nevertheless evil. I was told that where the spiritual sphere obtained they were not visible, but where the natural sphere did so they were visible. For people who are so naturally-minded that they give no thought to spiritual matters and do not believe in the existence of hell or of heaven, and yet are clever in their dealings, are like those spirits and are called 'the invisible natural ones'. But they are sometimes made known to others by their stink described above.

Latin(1748-1756) 4630

4630. Quidam supra caput inconspicuus aderat; quod adesset, ex fetore appercepi qui erat qualis fetor dentium qui excrementitius;

et postea apperceptus nidor sicut ex cornu {1}seu osse usto; dein veniebat talium magna turba, assurgens ab inferiore non procul a dorso, sicut nimbus, et quia etiam inconspicui erant, autumabam quod tam subtiles essent, et tamen mali, sed dictum quod illi ubi sphaera spiritualis est, ibi inconspicui sint, sed ubi sphaera naturalis, ibi conspicui, nam qui ita naturales sunt ut nihil cogitent de spiritualibus, nec credant infernum et caelum dari, et usque in negotiis suis sunt subtiles, illi sunt tales, et vocantur naturales inconspicui; et manifestantur aliis quandoque per {2}foetorem, de quo {3}supra. @1 ac$ @2 i nidorem et$ @3 i mox$

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