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属天的奥秘 第4629节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4629

4629. To adduce all my experience in connection with the spheres of perceptions being turned into odors, would be to fill a volume. See what has been related of them above, n. 1514, 1517-1519, 1631, 3577, to which I may just add that I once perceived the general thought of many spirits concerning the Lord's being born a man, and I observed that it consisted of mere objections; for what spirits think, both in general and in particular, is plainly perceived by others. The odor of that sphere was perceived as like that of stinking water, and of water defiled with filth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4629

4629. To set down my entire experience involving the conversion of the spheres associated with perceptions into odours would take up a whole book. See what has been recorded already concerning them in 1514, 1517-1519, 1631, 3577, to which let simply the following be added. I once perceived the general drift of what many spirits were thinking about the Lord's being born a man (homo) and realized that it consisted of mere objections; for both the general drift and the particular point of spirits' thoughts are clearly perceptible to others. The odour of the sphere on this occasion, when perceived, was like stinking water, and like water contaminated by foul refuse.

Latin(1748-1756) 4629

4629. Omnem illam experientiam quam de sphaeris perceptionum conversis in odores habui, afferre, foret {1}membranam exarare, videantur quae de illis prius, n. 1514, 1517-1519, 1631, 3577 memorata sunt; quibus solum haec licet adjicere: percepi quondam multorum spirituum commune cogitationis de Domino quod natus homo, et apperceptum quod ex meris scandalis consisteret; nam {2}quod cogitant spiritus in communi et particulari, hoc percipitur manifeste ab aliis; odor illius sphaerae percipiebatur similis aquae putidae, et aquae putidae, et aquae quisquiliis fetidis conspurcatae. @1 membranam exarare = literally `to plough up a parchment,' but Cicero uses exarare for `to write, note or set down,' probably from the use of a style on wax tablets. The meaning here is evidently 'to fill a sheet, or volume.'$ @2 quid$

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