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属天的奥秘 第4858节



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Potts(1905-1910) 4858

4858. And she put off from upon her the garments of her widowhood. That this signifies a simulation of the truth that is from good, is evident from the signification of a "widow," as being those who are in truth without good and yet desire to be led by good (see n. 4844). The garments with which widows were clothed represented such truth, and this because "garments" signify truths (n. 2576, 4545, 4763). Hence "to put off these garments" is to put off the representation of a widow, that is, of truth without good; and because she covered herself with her veil, to simulate the truth that is from good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 4858

4858. 'And she took off the clothes of her widowhood from upon her' means an imitation of truth that springs from good. This is clear from the meaning of 'a widow' as those with whom truth exists without good but who nevertheless have a desire to be led by good, dealt with in 4844. The clothes worn by a widow represented that kind of truth, for the reason that truths are meant by 'clothes', 2576, 4545, 4763, and therefore 'taking off those clothes' means laying aside the representation of a widow, that is, of truth existing without good. And because 'she covered herself with a veil' an imitating of truth that springs from good is meant.

Latin(1748-1756) 4858

4858. `Et removit vestes viduitatis suae a super se': quod significet simulationem veri quod ex bono, constat ex significatione `viduae' quod sint qui in vero absque bono, et usque desiderant per bonum duci, de qua n. 4844; `vestes quibus induebantur viduae' repraesentabant tale verum, et hoc ex eo quia `vestes' significant vera, n. 2576, 4545, 4763; inde 'removere illas vestes' est exuere repraesentationem viduae, hoc est, veri absque bono, et quia obtexit se peplo', simulare verum quod ex bono.

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