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属天的奥秘 第5020节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5020

5020. And fled, and got him out. That this signifies that nevertheless it separated itself, is evident from the signification of "fleeing and getting out," as being to separate itself (as above, n. 5009). These then are the falsities which Potiphar's wife spoke to the men of the house concerning Joseph-in the internal sense, which truth natural not spiritual spoke concerning truth spiritual natural, or which the natural man not spiritual spoke concerning the spiritual natural man (n. 4988, 4992, 5008).

Elliott(1983-1999) 5020

5020. 'And fled, and went out of doors' means that it nevertheless separated itself. This is clear from the meaning of 'fleeing, and going out of doors' as separating itself, as above in 5009. These then are the falsities told by Potiphar's wife to the men of the house regarding Joseph, meaning in the internal sense the falsities which unspiritual natural truth tells regarding spiritual natural truth or which the unspiritual natural man tells regarding the spiritual natural man, see 4988, 4992, 5008.

Latin(1748-1756) 5020

5020. `Et fugit et exivit foras': quod significet quod usque se separaverit, constat ex significatione `fugere et exire foras' quod sit se separare, ut supra n. 5009. Haec nunc sunt falsa quae locuta uxor Potiphari ad viros domus de Josepho, in sensu interno quae verum naturale non spirituale de vero naturali spirituali, seu quae homo naturalis non spiritualis de homine naturali spirituali {1}; videatur n. 4988, 4992, 5008. @1 i quando hic non idem facere vult cum illo$

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