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属天的奥秘 第5021节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5021

5021. Verses 16-18. And she laid up his garment by her, until his lord came to his house. And she spoke unto him according to these words, saying, The Hebrew servant whom thou hast brought unto us came unto me to mock me; and it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and cried, that he left his garment by me, and fled out. "And she laid up his garment by her," signifies that it retained ultimate truth; "until his lord came to his house," signifies that it might communicate with natural good; "and she spoke unto him according to these words," signifies false speaking; "saying, The Hebrew servant whom thou hast brought unto us, came unto me," signifies that servant; "to mock me," signifies that it rose up; "and it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and cried," signifies when great aversion was perceived; "that he left his garment by me," signifies testification; "and fled out," signifies that then it separated itself.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5021

5021. Verses 16-18 And she kept his garment with her until his lord came to his house. And she spoke to him ina these words, saying, The Hebrew slave whom you have brought to us came to me, to make sport of me. And it happened as I lifted up my voice and cried out, that he left his garment with me and fled out of doors.

And she kept his garment with her' means that it retained outermost truth. 'Until his lord came to his house' means so that it might communicate with natural good. 'And she spoke to him in these words' means speaking falsely. 'Saying, The Hebrew slave whom you have brought to us came to me' means that servile thing. 'To make sport of me' means that it rose up. 'And it happened as I lifted up my voice and cried out' means when it discerned the great aversion. 'That he left his garment with me' means proof. 'And fled out of doors' means that at that point it separated itself.


a lit. according to

Latin(1748-1756) 5021

5021. Vers. 16-18. Et reposuit vestem ejus apud se, usque venire dominum ejus ad domum suam. Et locuta ad illum secundum verba haec, dicendo, Venit ad me servus Hebraeus, quem adduxisti nobis, ad illudendum mihi. Et factum, sicut tollere me vocem meam, et clamavi, et reliquit vestem suam apud me, et fugit foras. `Et reposuit vestem ejus apud se' significat quod retinuerit ultimum verum: `usque venire dominum ejus ad domum suam' significat ut communicaret cum bono naturali: `et locuta ad illum secundum verba haec' significat falsiloquium: `dicendo, Venit ad me servus Hebraeus, quem adduxisti nobis' significat servum illud: `ad illudendum mihi' significat quod insurgeret: `et factum, sicut tollere me vocem meam, et clamavi' significat cum appercepit magnam aversationem: `et reliquit vestem suam apud me' significat testificationem: `et fugit foras' significat quod tunc se separaret.

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