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属天的奥秘 第5022节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5022

5022. And she laid up his garment by her. That this signifies that it retained ultimate truth, is evident from the signification of "laying up by her," as being to retain; and from the signification of a "garment," as being ultimate truth (of which above, n. 5006, 5008), which truth being taken away, the spiritual man has no longer anything with which to defend himself against those who are merely natural (n. 5008e, 5009), and in this event injury is done to him; for whatever the spiritual man then speaks, merely natural men say that they do not perceive, and also that it is not so. And if what is internal or spiritual is but mentioned, they either ridicule it or call it mystical; wherefore all conjunction between them is then broken, and when this is broken, the spiritual man suffers hard things among the merely natural, which is represented by Joseph's being cast into prison, after the wife had testified by the garment in the presence of her husband.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5022

5022. 'And she kept his garment with her' means that it retained outermost truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'keeping with oneself' as retaining, and from the meaning of 'a garment' as outermost truth, dealt with above, in 5006, 5008; for once that truth is removed the spiritual man no longer has anything with which he may protect himself against people who are merely natural, 5008 (end), 5009, and so he suffers harm. For any utterance made in this case by the spiritual man is declared by those who are merely natural to be something they do not perceive and also something that is not true. At the mere mention of anything internal or spiritual they either ridicule it or else call it something arcane, as a result of which any link they may have with the spiritual man is severed. And once that link has been severed the spiritual man undergoes trying experiences at the hands of those who are merely natural. This is also represented by the fact that after the wife used the garment to prove to her husband the accusation she was making, Joseph was thrown into the prison-house.

Latin(1748-1756) 5022

5022. `Et reposuit vestem ejus apud se': quod significet quod retinuerit ultimum verum, constat ex significatione `reponere apud se' quod sit retinere; et a significatione `vestis' quod sit ultimum verum, de qua supra n. 5006, 5008, quo vero abstracto spiritualis homo non amplius quid habet quo se defendat contra mere naturales, n. (o)5008 fin., 5009, et tunc injuria ei fit; quicquid enim tunc loquitur spiritualis homo, dicunt mere naturales quod non percipiant et quoque quod non ita sit; et si modo nominatur internum vel spirituale, vel subsannant vel mysticum vocant;

quapropter tunc inter illos omnis conjunctio rupta est; qua rupta spiritualis homo dura patitur {1} apud mere naturales, quod etiam repraesentatur per id quod Josephus {2} postquam uxor testificata per vestem coram marito, in domum carceris conjectus sit. @1 spirituales dura patiuntur$ @2 Josephum quod$

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