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属天的奥秘 第5030节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5030

5030. Verses 19, 20. And it came to pass when his lord heard the words of his wife, which she spoke unto him, saying, According to these words did thy servant to me; that his anger was kindled. And Joseph's lord took him, and put him into the prison house, the place where the king's bound ones were bound; and he was there in the prison house. "And it came to pass," signifies a new state; "when his lord heard the words of his wife, which she spoke unto him," signifies communication of falsity which appeared as truth; "saying, According to these words did thy servant to me," signifies confirmation; "that his anger was kindled," signifies aversion to spiritual truth. "And Joseph's lord took him," signifies temptation from the natural; "and put him into the prison house," signifies as to false-speaking against good; "the place where the king's bound ones were bound," signifies the state in which those are who are in falsities; "and he was there in the prison house," signifies the duration of the temptation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5030

5030. Verses 19, 20 And it happened - as his lord heard his wife's words which she spoke to him, saying, This is whata your slave did to me - that his anger flared up. And Joseph's lord took him and committed him to the prison-house, a place where the king's bound ones were bound; and he was there in the prison-house.

'And it happened' means a new state. 'As his lord heard his wife's words which she spoke to him' means the communication of falsity which looked like the truth. 'Saying, This is what your slave did to me means corroboration. 'That his anger flared up' means an aversion to spiritual truth. 'And Joseph's lord took him' means temptation coming from the natural. 'And committed him to the prison-house' means involving false-speaking against good. 'A place where the king's bound ones were bound' means the state of those governed by falsities. 'And he was there in the prison-house' means the duration of that temptation.


a lit. According to these words

Latin(1748-1756) 5030

5030. Vers. 19, 20. Et factum, sicut audire dominus ejus verba uxoris suae, vitae locuta ad illum, dicendo, Secundum verba haec fecit mihi servus tuus; et accensa ira illius. Et accepit dominus Josephi eum, et dedit eum ad domum carceris, locum quo vincti regis vincti; et fuit ibi in domo carceris. `Et factum' significat statum novum: `sicut audire dominus ejus verba uxoris suae, quae locuta ad illum' significat communicationem falsi quod apparuit sicut verum:

`dicendo, Secundum verba haec fecit mihi servus tuus' significat confirmationem: `et accensa ira illius' significat aversionem a vero spirituali; `et accepit dominus Josephi eum' significat tentationem a naturali: `et dedit eum ad domum carceris' significat quoad falsiloquium contra bonum: `locum in quo vincti regis vincti' significat statum ubi illi qui in falsis: `et fuit ibi in domo carceris' significat durationem tentationis.

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