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属天的奥秘 第5065节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5065

5065. As the same things are thrice repeated in what has already been quoted and explained, it is unnecessary to show in detail, or word by word, what these expressions signify in the internal sense. In this place I will merely state what is signified by the answer made both by those on the right hand, and by those on the left-that they had not seen Him hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, and in prison; and afterward what is signified by the "King," and also by the "righteous and eternal life," and by the "cursed and eternal fire."

Elliott(1983-1999) 5065

5065. The same particular actions occur three times in the verses quoted above, but since, as has been stated, an explanation of such actions has appeared already, there is no need to deal with them individually, that is, to explain what each word means in the internal sense. All that needs to be stated here is the meaning of the reply given both by those on the right and by those on the left - that they had not seen Him hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, or in prison. Then the meaning of 'the King' needs to be given, also the meanings of 'the righteous' and 'eternal life', and the meanings of 'him who is cursed' and 'eternal fire'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5065

5065. Quia ter repetuntur eadem in illis quae allata sunt, (o)et quae prius, ut dictum, explicata, non opus est singillatim, seu quoad singula verbi, haec quid in sensu interno significant, exponere; hic modo dicetur quid significat quod ita responderint illi qui a dextris et ita qui a sinistris, quod nempe `non viderint Ipsum esurientem, sitientem, peregrinum, nudum, aegrotum et in carcere'; et postea quid significat 'Rex', tum quid 'justus et vita aeterna', et quid 'maledictus et ignis aeternus'.

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