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属天的奥秘 第5210节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5210

5210. And he slept. That this signifies an obscure state, is evident from the signification of "sleeping," as being an obscure state. Moreover, in the spiritual sense "sleep" is nothing else, just as "wakefulness" is nothing else than a clear state; for there is spiritual sleep when truths are in obscurity, and spiritual wakefulness when truths are in clearness. Moreover, in the degree of this clearness are spirits awake, and in the degree of the obscurity are they asleep. From this it is plain that "sleeping" means an obscure state.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5210

5210. 'And he fell asleep' means a state of obscurity. This is clear from the meaning of 'sleeping' as a state of obscurity. 'Sleep' has no other meaning than this in the spiritual sense, even as 'wakefulness' means nothing else than a state of brightness; for spiritual sleep is a time when truths remain in obscurity, spiritual wakefulness when truths exist in brightness. And to the extent that truths are in the one state or else the other, spirits are awake or asleep. From this it is evident that 'falling asleep' is a state of obscurity.

Latin(1748-1756) 5210

5210. `Et obdormivit': quod significet statum obscurum, constat a significatione `dormire' quod sit status obscurus, etiam somnus in spirituali sensu non aliud est, sicut vigilia nec aliud quam status clarus; somnus enim spiritualis est cum vera in obscuro sunt, et vigilia spiritualis cum vera in claro; tantum etiam vigiliae spiritibus est et vicissim illis tantum somni; inde patet quod `obdormire' sit status obscurus.

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