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属天的奥秘 第5222节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5222

5222. His spirit was troubled. That this signifies disturbance, is evident from the signification of "being troubled in spirit," as being to be disturbed. By "spirit" here, as occasionally elsewhere in the Word, is meant interior affection and thought, which also are the spirit of man. The ancients called these the spirit; but by the spirit they meant specifically the interior man that would live after the death of the body; while at this day "the spirit," used in this sense, means mere thought, and this without any subject other than the body in which it may be. This is because it is no longer believed that the interior man is the man himself, but that the interior man who is commonly called the soul or spirit is mere thought without a subject adapted thereto; and that consequently, being thought without a subject, it will be dissipated after the death of the body like something ethereal or flamy. This is what at the present day is understood by spirit," as when it is said "troubled in spirit," "sad in spirit," "glad in spirit," or "rejoice in spirit;" when yet it is the interior man himself that is called the spirit, and that is troubled, is sad, is glad, and rejoices, and that is a man in a form wholly human (though invisible to bodily sight) in which thought resides.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5222

5222. That his spirit was troubled' means a turmoil. This is clear from the meaning of 'being troubled in spirit' as being placed in a turmoil. 'Spirit' is used here, as it is several times elsewhere in the Word, to mean a person's interior affection and thought, which also constitute his spirit. The ancients called these his spirit, but specifically they used spirit to mean the interior man who would go on living after the body died. At the present day however, when people read about the spirit where it has that meaning, they understand by it solely the faculty of thought, without anything else subject to it apart from the body in which it resides.

[2] The reason for this different understanding is that people no longer believe that the interior man is a person's true self. Rather, they believe that the interior man, which ordinary people call the soul or spirit, is merely the faculty of thought without anything else compatible with and subject to it. Consequently they believe that because that faculty has nothing subject to it in which to reside, it will be dissipated after death in the way something air-like or flame-like is dissipated. This is the kind of meaning spirit possesses at the present day, as when the expression 'troubled in spirit', 'saddened in spirit', 'joyful in spirit', or 'exultant in spirit' is used. But in reality it is the actual interior man that is called the spirit and that is troubled, saddened, joyful, or exultant. And this interior man existing within an entirely human form, though this is unseen by the eyes of the body - is where the faculty of thought resides.

Latin(1748-1756) 5222

5222. `Agitatus spiritus illius': quod significet turbam, constat ex significatione `agitari spiritu' quod sit turbari: per `spiritum' hic, ut quoque aliquoties alibi in Verbo, intelligitur interior affectio et cogitatio quae quoque sunt spiritus hominis; antiqui vocarunt illa spiritum, {1}sed per spiritum in specie intellexerunt interiorem hominem qui victurus post mortem corporis; at hodie per spiritum ubi in tali sensu legitur, solum intelligitur cogitativum, et hoc absque {2}alio subjecto quam corpore in quo sit; [2] ex causa quia non amplius creditur quod interior homo sit ipse homo, sed quod interior homo, qui vulgo anima aut spiritus vocatur, sit modo cogitatio absque subjecto adaequato; consequenter quia cogitatio absque subjecto in quo, quod post mortem corporis sicut aethereum aut flammeum quid dissipabitur; tale intelligitur hodie per spiritum, ut cum dicitur agitari spiritu, contristari spiritu, laetari spiritu, ovare spiritu, cum tamen est ipse interior homo qui spiritus vocatur, qui agitatur, contristatur, laetatur, ovat, qui {3} est homo in forma prorsus humana, sed invisibili oculis corporis, apud quem cogitatio. @1 at$ @2 aliquo$ @3 i homo$

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