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属天的奥秘 第5221节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5221

5221. And it came to pass in the morning. That this signifies in this new state, is evident from the signification of "it came to pass," or "it was," as involving what is new (see n. 4979, 4987); and from the signification of the "morning," as being a state of enlightenment (n. 3458, 3723). This is that new state which is meant, in regard to which see just above (n. 5218). This state and its quality are treated of here, showing that there was disturbance therein by reason of obscurity regarding the things that were happening. But as regards the quality of this state scarcely anyone is able to know anything unless he is in a spiritual sphere and at the same time pays attention to the things that are taking place within him. Otherwise he cannot even know what it is to be generally enlightened, and particularly enlightened, nor even what it is to be enlightened at all, still less that there is a disturbance at first in a general state of enlightenment, and that there is no quiet until the time when truths from good are replaced in their order. How the case herein is, is clearly perceived by the angels, and also by good spirits, because they are in a spiritual sphere. To be wise in such subjects, and to think about them, is delightful to them; but to the man who is in a natural sphere, and still more to one who is in a sensuous sphere, and yet more to one who is in a more grossly sensuous sphere from bodily and earthly things, such subjects are wearisome.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5221

5221. 'And it happened early in the morning' means in that new state. This is clear from the meaning of 'it happened', or so it was, as that which implies something new, dealt with in 4979, 4987; and from the meaning of 'early' or 'the morning" as a state of enlightenment, dealt with in 3458, 3723, this state being the new one that is meant, about which see just above in 5218. The subject here is that state and the nature of it, namely one of turmoil owing to the obscurity that exists regarding the things that are taking place. But scarcely anyone can know anything about what that state is like unless he has come into a spiritual sphere and at the same time takes note of what is going on inside himself.

[2] Unless he does so he cannot begin to know what is meant by receiving a general enlightenment or by receiving a particular enlightenment. He cannot even know what is meant by receiving enlightenment, let alone the idea that within a state of general enlightenmenta turmoil exists initially and that there is no respite until truths rooted in good are restored in their proper order. Angels have a clear perception of all this, and so do good spirits, because they live in a spiritual sphere. To know about such matters and to think them over is a source of delight to them. But to someone in a natural sphere, more so to someone in a sphere of sensory-mindedness, and more so still to one who is completely sensory-minded and concerned only with ideas gained from bodily and earthly things, such matters are of no interest.


a The first Latin edition reads within a general state of enlightenment, but Swedenborg's rough draft reads within a state of general enlightenment.

Latin(1748-1756) 5221

5221. `Et factum in matutino': quod significet in novo illo statu, constat a significatione `factum' seu fuit quod involvat novum, de qua n. 4979, 4987; et ex significatione `matutini' seu mane quod sit illustrationis status, de qua n. 3458, 3723, hic status est ille novus qui intelligitur, de quo videatur mox supra n. 5218; agitur hic de illo statu et ejus quali, quod nempe turba ibi propter obscurum de contingentibus; sed de quali illius status vix aliquis scire quid potest, nisi sit in sphaera spirituali, et tunc simul in attentione ad illa quae intus peraguntur; [2] alioquin ne quidem sciri potest quid sit communiter illustrari, et particulariter illustrari, et ne quidem quid sit illustrari, minus quod in {1}communi illustrationis statu principio sit turba, et quod non prius tranquillum quam cum vera ex bono reposita sunt in suo ordine; quomodo haec se habent, clare percipitur ab angelis, etiam a spiritibus bonis, quia hi in sphaera spirituali sunt; talia sapere et cogitare illis deliciae sunt, at homini qui in sphaera naturali est, et magis qui in sphaera sensuali, et adhuc magis qui in crasse sensuali ex (x)corporeis et terrestribus, talia taedia sunt. @1 communis$

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