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属天的奥秘 第5352节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5352

5352. For God hath made me forget all my toil. That this signifies removal after temptations, is evident from the signification of "forgetting," as being removal (see n. 5170, 5278); and from the signification of "toil," as being combats, thus temptations. Hence it follows that by the words "God hath made me forget all my toil" is signified removal after temptations, that is, the removal of the evils which have caused pain. That this is signified is plain also from what is related of Joseph in the land of Canaan among his brethren, and afterward in Egypt-in the land of Canaan that he was cast into a pit and sold, in Egypt that he served and was kept in prison for some years. That temptations are signified by these events has already been shown, and that these are what are meant by his "toil" is plain.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5352

5352. 'For God has made me forget all my labour' means a removal after temptations have finished. This is clear from the meaning of 'forgetting' as removal, 5170, 5278; and from the meaning of 'labour' as conflicts, and so temptations. From these meanings one may see that 'God has made me forget all my labour' means a removal after temptations - a removal of the evils that caused distress. The fact that these things are meant is also evident from what is recorded about Joseph in the land of Canaan when among his brothers, and after that in Egypt. In the land of Canaan he was thrown into the pit and sold; in Egypt he served as a slave and was kept in prison for several years. Temptations were meant by those experiences, as has been shown already; and the fact that those experiences are what is meant by 'labour' is self-evident.

Latin(1748-1756) 5352

5352. `Quia oblivisci fecit me Deus omnis laboris mei': quod significet remotionem post tentationes, constat ex significatione `oblivisci' quod sit remotio, de qua n. 5170, 5278; et ex significatione `laboris' quod sint pugnae, ita tentationes; inde est quod per `oblivisci fecit me Deus omnis laboris mei' significetur remotio post tentationes, nempe remotio malorum quae dolorem fecerunt; quod illa significentur, patet quoque ab illis quae de Josepho memorantur in terra Canaan apud fratres, et dein quae in Aegypto, {1}in terra Canaan quod conjectus in foveam, et venditus, in Aegypto quod serviverit, et in carcere per aliquot annos detentus fuerit, per quae quod tentationes significatae sint, prius ostensum est; et quod illa sint quae per laborem intelliguntur, patet. @1 quod nempe serviverit in domo Potipharis principis satellitum et quod$

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