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属天的奥秘 第5353节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5353

5353. And all my father's house. That this signifies the removal of hereditary evils, is evident from the signification of "father's house," as here being hereditary evils; for by a "house" in the internal sense is signified a man, and indeed his mind either rational or natural, but specifically the will therein, consequently good or evil, because these are predicated of the will (see n. 710, 2233, 2234, 3128, 4973, 4982, 5023); and therefore by "father's house" here are signified hereditary evils. The quality signified by "Manasseh" is contained in these and the immediately preceding words. In the original language "Manasseh" means "forgetfulness," thus in the internal sense the removal of evils, both actual and hereditary; for when these are removed, a new will arises, for the new will comes into existence through the influx of good from the Lord. The influx of good from the Lord with man is continuous; but there are evils both actual and hereditary that hinder and obstruct the reception of it; and therefore when these are removed, a new will comes into existence. This is very evident in the case of those who are in misfortune, misery, and illness; for as in these the loves of self and of the world, from which come all evils, are removed, the man thinks well about God and the neighbor, and also wishes his neighbor well. It is similar in temptations, which are spiritual pains, and hence inward miseries and despairings: by these chiefly are evils removed, and after they have been removed, heavenly good flows in from the Lord, whereby a new will is formed in the natural, and this new will is "Manasseh" in the representative sense.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5353

5353. 'And all my father's house' means the removal of hereditary evils. This is clear from the meaning of 'father's house' here as hereditary evils. In the internal sense 'house' means a person, more particularly his mind, either his rational mind or his natural mind. But specifically the will part there is meant, consequently good or evil since either of these can exist as an attribute of the will, see 710, 2233, 2234, 3128, 4973, 4982, 5023. This being so, 'father's house' here means hereditary evils. The essential nature meant by 'Manasseh' is contained in these words and in those immediately before them. In the original language Manasseh means forgetfulness, and so in the internal sense a removal is meant. That is to say, a removal of evils, both those of one's own doing and those which are hereditary; for once those evils have been removed a new area of will arises. This new will comes into being through an inflow of good from the Lord. Such an inflow of good from the Lord takes place constantly with a person, but evils exist there - both those of his own doing and those which he has inherited - which hinder and stand in the way of the reception of it. But once these have been removed a new area of will comes into being. Its coming into being at this time is clearly evident with those who suffer misfortunes, tribulations, or illnesses. During these experiences self-love and love of the world from which all evils spring are removed, and then a person entertains thoughts about God and about the neighbour that are good, and also desires his neighbour's welfare. It is similar with temptations, which are spiritual forms of distress and therefore inward experiences of tribulation and of despair. These experiences serve primarily to remove evils, and after these have been removed heavenly good from the Lord enters in, from which a new area of will is formed in the natural, which in the representative sense is 'Manasseh'.

Latin(1748-1756) 5353

5353. `Et omnis domus patris mei': quod significet remotionem malorum hereditariorum, constat ex significatione `domus patris' quod hic sint mala hereditaria; per `domum' enim in sensu interno significatur homo, et quidem ejus mens aut rationalis aut naturalis, in specie autem voluntarium ibi, consequenter bonum aut malum quia haec praedicantur de voluntate, videatur n. 710, 2233, 2234, 3128, 4973, 4982, 5023, et quia ita, per `domum patris' hic significantur mala hereditaria. Quale quod per Menashen significatur, in his et mox praecedentibus verbis continetur; Menasheh {1} in lingua originali significat oblivionem, ita in sensu interno remotionem, nempe malorum tam actualium quam hereditariorum, his enim remotis novum voluntarium assurgit; novum enim voluntarium existit per influxum boni a Domino; influxus boni a Domino est continuus apud hominem, sed sunt mala tam actualia quam hereditaria quae inhibent et obstant ne recipiatur, quapropter illis remotis voluntarium novum existit; quod tunc existat, manifeste patet apud illos qui in infortuniis, miseriis ac in morbis sunt; in his, quia removentur amores sui et mundi a quibus sunt omnia mala, homo cogitat bene de Deo et de proximo, et quoque huic bene vult; similiter in tentationibus, quae sunt dolores spirituales, ac inde miseriae interiores, (c)ac desperationes; per has praecipue removentur mala, quae postquam remota sunt, influit bonum caeleste a Domino, inde novum voluntarium in naturali, quod est Menasheh in sensu repraesentativo. @1 i enim$

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